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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

What's on your mind!

Contact us here.


MosselbayonTheline is an INDEPENDENT community-based initiative to keep locals from Mossel Bay and surrounds informed about important issues that affect them directly and to provide a central, professional media platform to showcase the beauty and assets of the Mossel Bay region and its people to the whole wide world – BY the community, FOR the community.

Our website http://www.mosselbayontheline.co.za and accompanying Facebook Page https://web.facebook.com/mosselbayontheline/ offer an unlimited target reach.

Our sister site www.weskusontheline.co.za has proven to be extremely popular and in great demand with a daily FB post reach of between 25 000 to 65 000; while the website hits toppled the 500 000 mark in November 2016 . . . (That website is awaiting new management since we relocated to Mossel Bay and the idea is to eventually link them for even greater exposure – but it already proved the demand for and popularity of such a community initiative.)

Mosselbayontheline already maintains a weekly target rate of between 20 000 to 45 000 and at this rate we hope to reach and maintain our 1 million target audience by the end of 2018.


That said, mosselbayonTheline is still in its baby shoes and we hope to develop it into a formidable, multi-functional professional media platform to support and expand the efficiency of existing communication tools and newspapers in the area – to keep residents informed, address important issues and be a watchdog and spokesperson to those who cannot speak for themselves. Once a week we also share our top-articles nationally and internationally and it is heart-warming to see how many expats LOVE to follow news about their beloved SOUTH CAPE region!

This can only be achieved with the help, input and support from local businesses and experts. We will truly appreciate your expertise, input and support in this regard. We are developing and fine-tuning advertising space and tools on our website to also offer a central and permanent marketing platform for businesses at very low cost – mainly because we WANT to showcase our unique and innovative peeps and the variety of services offered along the South Cape Coastline. All advertisements are permanently displayed ON the news platform – no matter what article / category you read, the ads follow you!

Business card size : R150 per month or R100 p.m. for 1 year booking;
Banner size : R250 per month or R200 p.m. for 1 year booking;
Banner size PLUS advertorial/photos and regular update of photos: R500 once off and R200 per month thereafter for 1 year booking.

Please email photos/advertisements in JPEG format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone us @ 0842401540 if you need help with advertorials or design.

Kind regards,

Elsa Wessels
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PS. Please first CHECK our website and Facebook page before you reply . . . and please help us to SHOWCASE Mossel Bay and the South Cape and to play WATCHDOG in order to protect the assets of this unique region for generations to come . . . ?

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