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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Mossel Bay’s first JAZZ festival brought a whopping 7 000 lovers of this rhythmic, swinging “blue note” music to the picturesque De Bakke beach for an unprecedented four-day party of undiluted Jazz on the Rocks.



If anyone ever wondered whether jazz music has lost its initial oomph and impact, the Moss Jazz Festival irrevocably proved the contrary – jazz is alive and well and forever growing as people relate to its honest and improvising styles, techniques and lyrics.

The massive stage built on sand and the rocky outcrops on the beach, was in itself a major accomplishment and tour de force, drawing widespread awe and admiration.


The fans came from near and far, armoured with chairs, blankets and picnic baskets to swing, sing and sway the night away.




During the day they lazed around on the beach or took a dip in the sea, but once the music started, the crowd transformed into a hazy cloud of ethereal beings soaking up the sounds as though mesmerized by the electrifying instrumental nuances.





The four day inaugural Moss Jazz Festival from 22 to 25 March was organised by Camissa Solutions in conjunction with the Mossel Bay Municipality in a joint effort to stimulate the town’s economy and cultural industry through tourism, as well as to build social and cultural bridges.

The star-studded programme included 23 performances over the four days featuring top-notch artists like Dr Victor, Judith Sephuma, The Rockets and Karin Korté (pictured below with a fan) as well as local groups such as G-Minor.


Most visitors came from Cape Town suburbs for a four day extra long weekend of jazz in Mossel Bay’s exquisite natural surroundings. According to the spontaneous outpour of comments and photos on social media networks, they got even more than they bargained for. “The best ever Jazz Festival – well worth the money!” “Mossel Bay ROCKS! I can’t wait for next year!”

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Shelley Fourie Spaas

Mossel Bay Jazz on the Rocks have been super amazing. Thank you Clarence Ford and team for such a great event. People in the Moss are so friendly and courteous. My family and I felt the love at the shows. I’ve never seen so many happy people at any event, especially music events. What a fun filled event with phenomenal artists! Let’s support our local artists more often. On route back to Cape Town. Definitely coming back next year – God willing ♥️



Locals and visitors mixed and mingled like kindred spirits and a friendly, festive vibe prevailed throughout the festivities.


CEO of Camissa Solutions, Lovetta Bolters (pictured underneath with Mossel Bay Mayor Alderman Harry Levendal), said: “Our vision is to bring healing to our still fragmented society. Social cohesion is ultimately at the heart of any successes to be achieved. Our mission is for all people to benefit, economically, from our effort, and the expected knock-on effect that tourism will bring. Research shows that the economic impact from the Jazz on the Rocks project in Paternoster amounted to over R800 million in the past 5 years. We anticipate the Mossel Bay project to yield even more economic impact and create jobs.”


Camissa Solutions founder and co-director Clarence Ford (pictured below) said: “March 2018 marks the start of a journey that will bring profound impact to the beautiful town of Mossel Bay. The event itself, will stimulate the fledgling cultural industries of the Southern Cape Coast. Moreover, entrepreneurial development will accrue to especially youth in the region.”


It was a well-organised festival and the Mossel Bay Municipality was well-represented by officials of the various departments, providing safety and security and enforcing law and order on the roads and party venue. No serious incidents were reported and the jazz lovers behaved themselves very well.

Councillor Anton Dellemijn (in red shirt) presented the welcoming speech on Saturday on behalf of Mayor Harry Levendal:


Good Evening To All Our Jazz Lovers, Friends and Family from all over the world.
On Behalf of our Executive Mayor Alderman Harry Levendal, Council and Municipality, We Welcome you to our beautiful Town, Mossel Bay -TOWN OF THE YEAR!
Our town has lots to offer, so while you’re here, please explore and take home wonderful memories. We offer many festivals during the year, so book now.
To our Cape Town Friends, we have you in our thoughts, If you feel like showering twice, do so and take some water home as well.
To the sponsors and organisers of this great Event:
We salute you!
Clarence, Loretta, Mark and your amazing team, thank you for bringing your DREAM and great artists to Mossel Bay.
Enjoy the Evening – and all that Jazz!

Camissa Solutions en raadslede

Before the show: Directors of Camissa Solutions Lovetta Bolters and Clarence Ford in festive spirit before the kick-off to the Moss Jazz Festival with Mossel Bay Mayor Harry Levendal, Colin Puren, municipal spokesperson and senior strategic manager in the office of the municipal manager, adv. Thys Giliomee (far right).
Adv. Giliomee described the festival as a wonderful opportunity and a great economic injection for Mossel Bay. He wrote on Facebook:
“Die 2018 MosJazz-fees was ‘n wonderlike geleentheid. Mosselbaai se ekonomie het ‘n welkome tweede inspuiting gekry in Maart. Die MosJazz bring ‘n fantastiese, lewendige vibe na Mosselbaai.
Mosselbaai, met die bekende Diasfees, is bekend vir “Where cultures meet”. Die MosJazz is spekend van hoe kulture in Mosselbaai mekaar aanvul.
Baie dankie aan Camissa Solutions en die duisende feesgangers, daar was geen noemenswaardige insidente nie.
Ek verwag dat MosJazz, die naweek van 21 Maart 2019, baie groter sal wees en vandaar verder sal groei. Mosselbaai moet die geleenthede wat geskep word, aangryp.”

Also see our FB posts and photos of the event in a chronological order:

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