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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Onthou: Kyk hoe verduister die maan

Die langste algehele maansverduistering van die 21ste eeu sal Vrydagaand voorkom en dit sal oor die hele Suid-Afrika te sien wees. So ’n lang en algehele maansverduistering sal nie weer voor 2100 voorkom nie.

Sterrekundiges het uitgewerk presies hoe lank die maansverduistering sal duur: Een uur, 42 minute en 52 sekondes. Die algehele verduistering sal van 21:30 tot 23:13 duur. Die hele gebeurtenis sal egter langer wees.

Die weer gaan ongelukkig nie oral saamspeel nie, luidens die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerdiens se voorspelling vir 20:00 Vrydagaand. 

Kaapstad, die Boland en die Weskus: Gedeeltelik bewolk met reën. * Pretoria: Geen reën, geen wolke. * Johannesburg: Geen reën, geen wolke. * Polokwane: Geen reën, geen wolke. * Musina: Geen reën, geen wolke. * Mbombela: Geen reën, geen wolke. * George: Bewolk met reën. * Port Elizabeth: Bewolk met reën. * Bloemfontein: Geen reën, moontlik wolke. * Upington: Geen reën, moontlik wolke. 


In ’n sonsverduistering beweeg die maan tussen die son en die aarde in en blokkeer sonlig op ’n deel van die aarde.

In ’n totale maansverduistering beweeg die aarde tussen die son en die maan in en blokkeer só die maanlig. Wanneer dit gebeur, verander die maan se kleure in oranje tot dieprooi en dit word nie heeltemal donker nie.

Verstrooide straling van die son wat deur die atmosfeer beweeg, baai die maan in dié kleure. Dit is dieselfde straling wat ’n sonsondergang rooi maak. Volgens Space.com sal die maansverduistering so lank duur omdat die maan deur die middel van die umbra (volskaduwee of kernskaduwee) sal beweeg. Meestal is dit so effens meer aan die kant daarvan.

Nog ’n rede waarom dit so lank sal duur, is omdat daar ’n apogee is. Dit beteken dat die maan op dié datum op sy verste van die aarde af is in sy maandelikse wentelbaan. Spesiale geleenthede waarheen mense uitgenooi word, is onder meer:

  • Kaapstad: Die V&A Waterkant en die Assa-tak in Kaapstad nooi mense om na die Waterkant te gaan sodra die son gesak het teen 18:00. Daar sal kenners wees om mee te gesels, asook teleskope om deur te kyk.
  • Johannesburg: Die Astronomiese Vereniging van Suider-Afrika (Assa) se tak in Johannesburg nooi mense om van 18:00 tot ná die verduistering by die ou Observatorium op die koppie by Gillstraat 18 in Observatory byeen te kom. Daar sal teleskope wees en vuur gemaak word.
  • Overberg: Die Suid-Kaapse Astronomieklub nooi mense om op Pearly Beach te kuier.
  • Stellenbosch: Die Orion-observasiegroep se kaartjies is ongelukkig reeds uitverkoop.
  • Magaliesburg: Daar sal ’n praatjie en teleskope wees by die MelonRouge-restaurant. Dit kos R150 per persoon.
  • Pretoria: Rietvlei-natuurreservaat, teen R100 per persoon. Mense kan van 18:00 af by die hek ontmoet.
  • Bloemfontein: Die Vriende van Boyden-observatorium nooi mense om van 18:00 af by die sterrewag langs Maselspoort byeen te kom. Toegang is R50 per motor en verversings sal te koop wees.


    Volg dit ook hier: https://weather.com/news/trending/video/watch-longest-total-lunar-eclipse-of-century-live

'Blood moon' eclipse and red planet pair up to dazzle SA skygazers tonight

27 July 2018 - 06:00BY AFP AND TIMESLIVE
A "super blue blood moon" is seen over Los Angeles, California on January 31, 2018. The longest "blood moon" eclipse this century will coincide with Mars' closest approach in 15 years to offer skygazers a thrilling astronomical double bill on Friday, astronomers say. For about half the world, the moon will be partly or fully in Earth's shadow for about six hours.
A "super blue blood moon" is seen over Los Angeles, California on January 31, 2018. The longest "blood moon" eclipse this century will coincide with Mars' closest approach in 15 years to offer skygazers a thrilling astronomical double bill on Friday, astronomers say. For about half the world, the m

A "super blue blood moon" is seen over Los Angeles, California on January 31, 2018.
The longest "blood moon" eclipse this century will coincide with Mars' closest approach in 15 years to offer skygazers a thrilling astronomical double bill on Friday, astronomers say. For about half the world, the moon will be partly or fully in Earth's shadow for about six hours. 

Image: Robyn Beck / AFP

The longest "blood moon" eclipse this century will coincide with Mars' closest approach in 15 years to offer skygazers a thrilling astronomical double bill on Friday, astronomers say.

According to the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (Assa)‚ it will start at around 8.24pm and last until just after midnight the following morning.

The period of complete eclipse - known as "totality", when the moon appears darkest - will last from 9.30pm to 11.13pm.

A timeline of the lunar eclipse that will happen on July 27, 2018.
A timeline of the lunar eclipse that will happen on July 27, 2018. 
Image: Astronomical Society of Southern Africa



At the same time, Mars will hover near the moon in the night sky, easily visible with the naked eye.

Our neighbouring planet will appear unusually large and bright, a mere 57.7 million kilometres from Earth on its elliptical orbit around the sun.

"We have a rare and interesting conjunction of phenomena," Pascal Descamps, an astronomer with the Paris Observatory, said.

"We should have a coppery red tint on the moon with Mars the 'Red Planet' just next to it, very bright and with a slight orange hue itself."

Amateur astronomers in the southern hemisphere will be best-placed to enjoy the spectacle, especially those in southern Africa, Australia, India and Madagascar, though it will also be partly visible in Europe and South America.

Celestial bodies align

A total lunar eclipse happens when Earth takes position in a straight line between the moon and sun, blotting out the direct sunlight that normally makes our satellite glow whitish-yellow.

The moon travels to a similar position every month, but the tilt of its orbit means it normally passes above or below the Earth's shadow -- so most months we have a full moon without an eclipse.

When the three celestial bodies are perfectly lined up, however, the Earth's atmosphere scatters blue light from the sun while refracting or bending red light onto the moon, usually giving it a rosy blush.

It's not often that we get a chance to see our planet's shadow, but a lunar eclipse gives us a fleeting glimpse.

This is what gives the phenomenon the name "blood moon", though Mark Bailey of the Armagh Observatory in Northern Ireland said the colour can vary greatly.

It depends partly on "how cloudy or transparent those parts of the Earth's atmosphere are which enable sunlight to reach the moon", he said.

"During a very dark eclipse the moon may be almost invisible.

"Less dark eclipses may show the moon as dark grey or brown... as rust-coloured, brick-red, or, if very bright, copper-red or orange."

The long duration of this eclipse is partly due to the fact that the moon will make a near-central passage through Earth's umbra -- the darkest, most central part of the shadow.

'Eerie and beautiful' 

Our constant companion will also be at the farthest point on its orbit from Earth, making its movement across the sky slower from our perspective, thus spending longer in the dark.

NASA, meanwhile, has called out social media hoaxers claiming that Mars will appear as big as the moon during the eclipse.

"If that were true, we'd be in big trouble given the gravitational pulls on Earth, Mars, and our moon!" the NASA website states.

Mars will more likely appear as a very bright star, and viewers will need no protective eye gear.

"All you have to do is dress warmly and go outside!" the Royal Astronomical Society advises.

"If you want a close-up view of the moon as it turns red, a pair of binoculars is helpful."

"All eclipses are spectacular," the society's Robert Massey added.

"In the middle of a lunar eclipse it can look as if a red planet has taken up residence near the Earth - they are both eerie and beautiful and I'll certainly be looking out for it!"

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