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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

"Listen to the clip below. From the 38th minute, a W.H.O. Doctor says more than twice that South Africa is "growing the Covid virus" and is testing if it can mutate. She then goes on to say that they as W.H.O are watching what South Africa is busy doing "with interest".
Why has Cyril never disclosed this to South Africans? Why was our government playing with such fire? South Africa can't run one power station successfully, but it plays with our lives by agreeing to "grow the virus and test if it can mutate" on our South African soil?
That is why Cyril was crying, the burden of what he and his government has exposed us to is unforgivable."
- Vytjie Mentor 
4 years ago I warned that President Cyril Ramaphosa would be the most dangerous president South Africa has ever had. People laughed. In 2018 President Ramaphosa said he would forge a New World Order. People then voted for him and his satanic globalist agenda. Now that Ramaphosa is doing exactly what he said, people are complaining. The evil, deaths and devastation we have experienced in our country is only the beginning. What is happening is part of the NWO depopulation agenda - it's not about saving lives, it's about controlling and destroying lives.
Covid-19 was used as a political tool by the elite, satanists, liberals, communists, globalist leaders and corrupt politicians to usher in the New World Order. The blood of many people will be on their hands.
May the Lord help us. Our hope and trust is in God, not in a wicked government.
Esther Meshoe

Streamed live on Dec 28, 2020

 May be an image of text

 Next lockdown in SA predicted to start on 2 December 2021 - to kill the economy effectively? 

Dr. Susan Vosloo, one of South Africa's most renowned Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons and a good friend of the late prof. Chris Barnard, has been speaking up against the draconic Covid lockdown and treatment protocols since March 2020, but she and thousands of SA like-minded medical experts have been ignored, ridiculed and discredited by the same SA mainstream media that used to quote them regularly as experts on health issues. 

Read her Covid diary that was published on 5 August 2020: 

"As this is written, still unable to travel, Malta's sunshine is sorely missed. It's mid-winter in the Southern hemisphere. Facing consequences of strategies applied to the novel Covid-19 pandemic, we drift on a tragic trajectory worldwide, particularly in Africa.

"One wonders: Are the 'blind' leading the sheeple? The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight, but no vision?"

Dr Susan Vosloo and family

Dr. Susan Vosloo with anesthetist husband Anton and their twin daughters (Photo: Marie Benoit)

Covid-19 vaccines – the raging debate after Dr Susan Vosloo’s controversial video

No photo description available.

YET, literally TENS of THOUSANDS of experienced and renowned top medical experts in SA and across the world are confirming Dr. Vosloo's views and have been trying non-stop to get their serious messages and warnings to the public despite the worst media censorship in history. 

1. Dr. Nancy Banks -
2. Dr. Russell Blaylock -
3. Dr. Shiv Chopra -
4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny -
5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries -
6. Dr. Larry Palevsky -
7. Dr. Toni Bark -
8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield -
9. Dr. Meryl Nass -
10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin -
11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot -
12. Dr. Robert Rowen -
13. Dr. David Ayoub -
14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD -
15. Dr. Rashid Buttar -
16. Dr. Roby Mitchell -
17. Dr. Ken Stoller -
18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein -
19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD -
20. Dr. David Davis -
21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych -
22. Dr. Harold E Buttram -
23. Dr. Kelly Brogan -
24. Dr. RC Tent -
25. Dr. Rebecca Carley -
26. Dr. Andrew Moulden -
27. Dr. Jack Wolfson -
28. Dr. Michael Elice -
29. Dr. Terry Wahls -
30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff -
31. Dr. Paul Thomas -
32. Many doctors talking at once -
33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
34. Dr. Jane Orient -
35. Dr. Richard Deth -
36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic -
37. Dr Chris Shaw -
38. Dr. Susan McCreadie -
39. Dr. Mary Ann Block -
40. Dr. David Brownstein -
41. Dr. Jayne Donegan -
42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored 
43. Dr. Philip Incao -
44. Dr. Joseph Mercola -
45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet -
46. Dr. Robert Mendelson -
More doctors testifying that vaccines aren't safe or effective, in these documentaries. WHY are their warnings and concerns ignored by the mainstream media?  
1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic -
2. The Greater Good -
3. Shots In The Dark -
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -
5. Vaccine Nation -
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -
7. Lethal Injection -
9. Deadly Immunity -
10. Autism - Made in the USA -
11. Beyond Treason -
12. Trace Amounts -
13. Why We Don't Vaccinate -
9 hour court case
 1. Vaccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)
2. The Greater Good - (2011)
3. Shots In The Dark -(2009)
4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)
5. Vaccine Nation - (2008)
6. Vaccination - The Truth About Vaccines -
7. Lethal Injection -
8. Bought - (2015)
9. Deadly Immunity - (2005)
10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)

11. Beyond Treason - (2005)



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‘Vaccine Mania’: Fauci, Big Pharma Detail Plans for ‘Indefinite’ Rollout of Shots

At a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and colleagues, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely.

  • Moderna is actively working with “Fauci’s team” to create a new shot for fall 2022. Moderna is also developing an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 2022.
  • Moderna is planning to combine multiple shots, such as a COVID-19 shot, a flu shot and a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shot, into one injection — coming in 2023 — to help avoid “compliance issues.”
  • An agreement between Pfizer and BioNTech to develop the first mRNA shingles vaccine was reached in January 2022.
  • Additional shots are in development to target HIV, zika virus, Nipah virus, cancer, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus, influenza (mRNA) and more.

Many experts have sounded the alarm that the COVID-19 pandemic was all about the shot and a larger agenda to impose totalitarian control worldwide. Already, one shot has turned into two doses and a third booster.

fourth booster is also being discussed, including by Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, who said that the efficacy of the third shot is likely to decline over several months, necessitating another shot soon thereafter.

“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said in an interview with Goldman Sachs.

Conveniently, Moderna is working on an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 2022 — and this is only the beginning.

Writing on Substack, contributor Eugyppius explained:

“Moderna, just one of multiple pharmaceuticals eager to exploit our new vaccine mania, are expanding their manufacturing capacity to produce as many as 6 billion mRNA vaccine doses per year.”

The information came straight from the horse’s mouth, at a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, at a session titled “COVID-19: What’s Next?

Along with Bancel, the meeting was attended by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and professor Annelies Wilder-Smith from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who together detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely.



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Die permanente skorsing van Mosselbaai se mees omstrede munispale bestuurder Thys Giliomee ná klagte van seksuele wangedrag wat intern ondersoek is, het uiteenlopende reaksies ontlok.
Thys Giliomee1 
Aan die eenkant is daar dié wat sedert sy onkonvensionele en omstrede "politieke aanstelling" einde 2016 sy ervaring en werksetiek bevraagteken het. Die feit dat hy as voormalige hoof-uitvoerende beampte van die Wes-Kaapse Drankraad boonop geïmpliseer is in 'n voortslepende forensiese ondersoek weens beweerde wanbesteding van R9 miljoen vir kantoormeubilering, het ook die wenkbroue laat lig.
Aan die anderkant is daar diegene wat reken hy het Mosselbaai goed bestuur en sal gemis word.
Seksklagte intern ondersoek
Giliomee se skorsing volg ná klagte van seksuele teistering wat in Mei vanjaar na bewering deur een of meer vroue teen hom aanhangig gemaak is. Die besonderhede van die klagte en klaagsters is deurgaans streng vertroulik gehou en intern ondersoek.
Die Munisipaliteit het gister net in 'n kort Engelse mediaverklaring aangekondig dat Giliomee ná indringende samesprekinge die voorwaardes vir sy onmiddellike afdanking aanvaar. Die besonderhede van dié voorwaardes en die skikkingsbedrag met die klaagsters is ook nie bekend gemaak nie.
Giliomee is op 1 Desember 2016 onder 'n wolk van omstredenheid aangestel nadat die normale prosedures glo nie gevolg is en alle raadslede nie in die saak geken is nie. Die grootste besware nadat hy destyds dr. Michelle Gratz opgevolg het ná haar skok-bedanking, is dat dit 'n geforseerde "politieke"aanstelling was en dat hy nie die vereiste 5 jaar ervaring as munisipale bestuurder het nie.
Goeie tye in hoë kringe: Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit se sesde skoon oudit vir die 2016/17 finansiële boekjaar is in 2018 luisterryk gevier. Die Ouditeur-generaal Kimi Makwetu (derde van regs) en die destydse Wes-Kaapse premier Helen Zille het die Mosselbaaise afvaardiging persoonlik geluk gewens en geloof vir die groot prestasie om in die “moeilike” 2016/17 finansiële boekjaar wéér ‘n skoon oudit-verslag te verwerf. Mosselbaai se burgemeester, Harry Levendal, asook die nuwe munisipale bestuurder, Thys Giliomee, (onderskeidelik regs en links van Zille), het trots die trofee en ‘n goue sertifikaat vir uitnemendheid tydens die seremonie in ontvangs geneem. Heel links is Anton Bredell, Wes-Kaapse DA minister van plaaslike regering, omgewingsake en ontwikkelingsbeplanning sedert 2009. Dié skoon oudit-tradisie het egter in die volgende twee jaar skipbreuk gely. 
Giliomee se kontrak sou op 30 November vanjaar verstryk het.
Volgens die uitvoerende burgemeester, Harry Lewendal, was die skikking 'n logiese besluit en die beste oplossing onder die omstandighede.
Hy het gesê Giliomee laat 'n stabiele administrasie met 'n uitsonderlike hoë standaard van munisipale dienslewering agter en dat die munisipaliteit sal voortgaan om dié gehalte-dienslewering en toewyding aan inwoners te handhaaf. Hy en die uitvoerende bestuurspan wens hom alle sukses toe in sy toekomstige wedervaringe.
Giliomee het op sy beurt Mosselbaai se raadslede en amptenare geprys as die beste wat enige munisipaliteit kan hoop om te hê. Hy het gesê die onderskeie afdelings wat as 'n eenheid funksioneer, verseker die hoë gehalte munisipale dienslewering waarvoor Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit so dikwels geloof word.
Giliomee se voorganger, Dr.Michele Gratz, het destyds eweneens skokgolwe deur die gemeenskap gestuur
toe sy 'n jaar voor die verstryking van haar tweede termyn bedank het weens "onhoudbare politieke inmenging".
Michelle Gratz 
Gratz, onder wie se tien jaar leierskap Mosselbaai tot ongekende hoogtes in die Wes-Kaap en nasionaal gevoer is, het reeds vroeg in 2016 gewaarsku teen politieke inmenging en die wyse waarop DA-kandidate gekies en aangewys word sonder inagneming van hul ervaring en bevoegdheid. Gratz, 'n gekwalifiseerde mediese dokter, het reeds in Mei 2016 haar voorneme om te bedank bekend gemaak - 'n jaar voordat haar (tweede) termyn amptelik in Mei 2017 sou verstryk. Sy het amptelik uit diens getree op 3 Augustus 2016 om saam te val met die munisipale verkiesing sodat die raad "genoegsame tyd sou hê om die beste en mees geskikte en ervare opvolger te soek."
Gratz het hoë aansien in Wes-Kaapse munisipale kringe geniet en onder haar leiding het die Mosselbaai munisipaliteit verskeie "eerstes" bereik en talle provinsiale en nasionale eerbewyse ontvang - waaronder vyf agtereenvolgende skoon oudits, Groen Dorp-toekenning en die feeste soos die Dias-fees wat steeds 'n hoogtepunt op die dorp se toerismekalender is.
Ironies genoeg is die aanstelling van Gratz se opvolger toe JUIS gekritseer as 'n eensydige politieke aanstelling wat nie op meriete en ervaring gegrond was nie. Opposisiepartye in die raad het laat blyk dat hulle nie geken is in sy keuring en aanstelling nie en ook nie noodwendig daarmee saamstem nie.
ANC-raadslid Jovan Bruinders het gesê Giliomee is deur die DA herontontplooi en nie deur die volle raad aangestel nie. Weens Giliomee se gebrekkige ervaring as munisipale bestuurder sou 'n mentor glo aangestel word om hom aanvanklik by te staan, maar dit het nooit gerealiseer nie.
ICOSA-raadslid Dawid Kamfer het destyds selfs sover gegaan om in sy hoedanigheid as provinsiale ICOSA-leier 'n amptelike klag teen Giliomee se aanstelling by die Minister van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake, mnr Des van Rooyen, asook die Openbare Beskermer op George aanhangig te maak.
 Outokratiese en ondeursigtige bestuurstyl
* Van die grootste besware teen Giliomee was sy ondeursigtige bestuurstyl om nie op inwoners se vrae en klagtes oor omstrede kwessies te reageer nie en sy nie-amptelike goedkeuring van omstrede ontwikkelingsplanne met uiters nadelige omgewingsimpak wat inwoners dan self tot in hofsake moet gaan beveg.
Voorbeelde hiervan was 'n erg omstrede diepsee-akwamariene-visboerdery met geelstert wat hy kort ná sy aanstelling aangevoor het; 'n erg omstrede vismeel- en olieverwerkingsaanleg op die hawe deur Afro Fishing en tans 'n ewe omstrede fabriek om motorbande en plastiek te herwin (depolymerisasie-aanleg) deur Rooikat Recycling (Pty) Ltd. in Groot-Brakrivier.
Inwoners meen as eerste vlak van owerheid het die munisipaliteit 'n verantwoordelikheid en plig teenoor inwoners en belastingbetalers om hulle belange op die hart te dra en hulle te help beskerm teen ontwikkelings wat nie net die omgewing skaad nie, maar ook hul gesondheid en lewensgehalte bedreig. Deur sulke aansoeke goed te keur en net te sê die finale besluit "berus nie" by die munisipaliteit nie, is om dié indirekte plig te versuim.
Slagoffers van die Seemeeupark-grondverskuiwingsramp in 2016 en Riverside-inwoners het jare lank vergeefs gepoog om antwoorde van munisipale kant te kry oor hul reuse-verliese en selfs koerantverslaggewers se skriftelike vrae is bloot gesystap of geïgnoreer.
Hangende hofsake van dermiljoene rande waarin die munisipaliteit aanspreeklik gehou is, is onder sy bestuur bloot onder die tafel ingevee terwyl daar deurgaans gefokus is op oppervlakkige beeldpoetsery.
Die feit dat Giliomee die nuusredakteur van die plaaslike gemeenskapskoerant boonop as munisipale woordvoerder aangestel het, het dié klagtes van geheimhouding en ondeursigtigheid versterk.
13 July 2021
After extensive negotiations, Mossel Bay Municipality and its Municipal Manager, Adv. Thys Giliomee agreed on the terms to terminate his employment contract on 13 July 2021. This follows the suspension and an investigation into alleged misconduct by the Municipal Manager.
Adv. Giliomee joined Mossel Bay Municipality as Municipal Manager on 1 December 2016, and his contract was due to expire on 30 November 2021.
The Executive Mayor, Alderman Harry Levendal, stated that the settlement was the logical and best solution in the circumstances.
mun sportfees ingelui
Adv Giliomee leaves a stable administration with exceptionally high standards of municipal service delivery. Mossel Bay Municipality will maintain these high standards and commitment to service delivery excellence to its residents.
The Executive Mayor, the Councillors, and the executive management team of the Mossel Bay Municipality wish Adv Giliomee well in his future endeavours.
Adv. Giliomee reiterated that Mossel Bay Municipality has the best Councillors and officials that any municipality may hope for. The functional municipal unit ensures the high standards of municipal service delivery that ensure that accolades are frequently bestowed on Mossel Bay Municipality.
Alderman Harry Levendal
Executive Mayor

Mossel Bay Municipality

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"Wat het hulle nou eintlik hiermee bereik? Miljoene rande se inkomsteverlies en die vernietiging van nóg 'n gevestigde boot- en seiljagklub met 'n trotse geskiedenis - en dit net om 'n kastige SEB-maatskappytjie met bedenklike credentials te bevoordeel?"
Dit was van die  kommentare van omgekrapte lede van die voormalige Mosselbaai Boot- en Seiljagklub nadat dit aan die lig gekom het dat die Transnet Hawe-owerheid (TNPA) uiteindelik regstappe doen om die huurooreenkoms met Mossel Bay Waterfront (PTY) ltd te beëindig. 
Dié maatskappy onder eienaarskap van Albe en Verna Durand, waarvan 'n onbekende swart vrou glo die meerderheidsaandele van 52% besit, het glo nog geen huurgeld betaal sedert hulle die huurooreenkoms van die perseel by die Seiljagklub oorgeneem het nie. Die uitstaande huurgeld beloop glo bykans R4 miljoen. 
Dit kom nadat TNPA aan die begin van 2019 die seiljagklub ondanks hewige regsgedinge en 'n hooggeregshof-appélaansoek gedwing het om die perseel te ontruim sodat die Waterfront kan oorneem. 
Mossel Bay Yacht Club2
Die Mosselbaai Boot- en Seiljagklub het TNPA se besluit tot in die hoogste hof beveg, maar moes in 2019 die aftog blaas toe die appélhof ook bevind het die huurooreenkoms met Mossel Bay Waterfront is geldig. 
Die Durands se bestuurstyl en geesdriftige planne om die perseel in 'n meer inklusiewe toeriste-aantreklikheid te omskep met 'n spog-restaurant en groot buitelug-dek, asook vlooimark-stalletjies en vermaak, het van die begin af die wenkbroue laat lig. Die amptelike opening van die restaurant is 'n paar keer uitgestel en die seiljagklublede het geweier om as betalende lede onder die Waterfront-vaandel aan te sluit. 
Die jongste verwikkelinge bring 'n einde aan 'n vyf jaar lange vete, maar die toekoms van die perseel en die seiljagklub bly onseker. Die regstappe om die Waterfront te ontruim kan 'n geruime tyd duur en selfs al sou 'n nuwe huurooreenkoms met die seiljagklub aangegaan word, sal dit lank neem om die skade te herstel. 
Lees ook die artikel in die Moneyweb hieroor: 
Did greed kill the yacht club? 
Transnet eventually makes a move against non-paying tenant after losing R3.6m in rent. 
By Adriaan Kruger 7 June 2021
The ongoing tale of woe at the former premises of the Mossel Bay Yacht and Boat Club (MBYBC) has entered a new stage.
Two and a half years after the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) evicted MBYBC and awarded a rental contract for the property to a small private company, the authorities have started the legal process to evict the new operators.
It came to light that the new occupant, Mossel Bay Waterfront (Pty) Ltd, has not paid any rent, nor did it bother to pay the initial deposit.
Despite TPNA neglecting to collect the deposit of more than R1 million from Waterfront at the beginning of the rental period, it apparently allowed the tenant to occupy the premises. Waterfront has been squatting there since February 2019.
This was disclosed in an email sent to Moneyweb by a whistleblower, who attached a statement of all transactions to the end of August 2020. At that date, the outstanding balance exceeded R2.4 million.
That it took TNPA more than two years to take corrective action stands in stark contrast to the quick and severe action Transnet management and its legal team took to evict the yacht club.
A thick pile of court documents shows the lengths to which TNPA has gone to ensure that the premises went to Waterfront.
MBYBC argues in court documents (asking for a review of the process when Waterfront got the contract) that the yacht club has been paying its rent every month for more than 60 years. When TNPA refused to extend the club’s rental agreement, the rent amounted to more than R108 000 per month.
It seems like easy money to earn, but TNPA elected to call for tenders and picked a bad contender.
MBYBC members were surprised when a tender for a new lease agreement in 2016 was awarded to the newly-formed private company.
The yacht club had had a rental agreement with the port authorities since its formation in 1956, and all the buildings and facilities were built by members at their own cost over the years.
The then South African Railways & Harbours Administration offered 15- and 20-year rent contracts and charged nominal rent, as responsible governments do to support beneficial activities like sporting bodies.
The rent increased slowly over the years, and then sharply after Railways & Harbours morphed into Portnet.
According to a newsletter sent to members towards the end of 2018: “When the last long-term lease ended in 2004, the club was given only a 5-year lease and the rental for the premises increased drastically from R17 000 per year to R17 000 per month. This amount has now escalated to R74 000 per month for the club’s premises, excluding the mooring rental fee of R35 000 per month.”
By then, in late 2018, the club was embroiled in a three-year legal battle to try to hold on to the property in which members have invested maybe millions over the years.
The surprise came when TPNA announced the result of the tender in 2016. In short, MBYBC added the normal 10% escalation to its existing rent to its bid, offering to pay rent of just less than R118 000 per month.
The club’s committee probably thought it was good enough for a property that the club could argue ‘belonged’ to them, seeing that all the buildings and improvements were paid for by members. A history of the club notes that the club started off on nothing more than a rocky shore and built everything itself.
These improvements included not only the large clubhouse, bathrooms, storage space for equipment, and reclaiming land from the sea to build a new pier and slipway, but also R1 million spent on a floating dock inside the harbour that contained 50 convenient walk-on moorings.
Unfortunately, the unknown Waterfront tendered R200 per month more and won the tender.
TPNA has subsequently lost out on more R3.6 million in rent since evicting MBYBC (based on a 10% escalation). This is a small amount in comparison to Transnet’s annual fruitless and wasteful expenditure of billions, or taxpayers’ continued support to the tune of billions.
Read: Transnet still suffers from state capture’s harmful impact (Oct 2019)
Mossel Bay Waterfront
Waterfront belongs to Verna Durand, the wife of a former member of the yacht club.
Durand convinced TNPA that the company was largely black-owned and committed to transforming the yacht club’s overwhelming white membership.
MBYBC called for a review of the tender, arguing in court documents during the review and subsequent appeals that Waterfront failed to comply with most of the tender conditions. The most compelling argument was that Waterfront could not prove that it would be able to pay the rent.
Waterfront did not submit three years’ worth of audited financial statements as required by the tender conditions, its tax affairs were unknown, and it could not provide any guarantee or surety that rent would be paid.
‘Fair’ process
Durand countered that members would support a new club and that membership fees would cover the rent.
TPNA submitted to court that it is nonsensical to expect a new, female-owned company with largely black shareholders to submit three years’ worth of financial records.
The courts, all the way to the Cape Town High Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal, ruled against MBYBC by saying that the process was fair.
MBYBC’s pleadings that it was a non-profitable organisation in good financial standing fell on deaf ears and the club was finally evicted at the beginning of 2019.
Meanwhile, TPNA and the courts failed to pick up that Waterfront didn’t have any black shareholders.
The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) database show Durand as the only director and only shareholder of Waterfront in its initial registration.
More telling about the standing of Waterfront is that it never submitted any of the required returns after the initial registration.
Durand did not respond to questions about its black economic empowerment (BEE) standing.
Sailing came to a halt
Yacht club members didn’t take kindly to the hijacking of their club and most of the 700 MBYBC members refused to join the new club under the umbrella of Waterfront.
Neither Durand nor any official of Mossel Bay Waterfront responded to queries about the club and its membership. It is unclear if the new club was formally founded.
The Waterfront website and Facebook page do not mention a club committee, election of office bearers, member meetings or a constitution – as one would normally expect when looking at sporting bodies.
After nearly three years, the website contains mostly lorem ipsum text (meaningless placeholder or dummy text to fill a space in DIY website templates) and the Facebook page largely advertises food, drink and rock bands.
The Waterfront club is also not affiliated to SA Sailing, the controlling body of sailing in SA that ensures safety standards and regulates sailing.
National and international sailing events were cancelled and the development sailing initiative at the club came to a halt.
Some owners of larger boats moved to other yacht clubs, while most refused to accept a new rental agreement for their moorings. Boat owners had previously paid a refundable capital contribution to MBYBC to secure a mooring and paid around R600 per month in rental.
Durand said these rights lapsed and demanded R2 200 annual membership fees for membership of the new “club” and monthly rental of R1 800 per month for a mooring.
Uncertain outlook
The future for the MBYBC, the yacht club without a home, remains uncertain.
Evicting Durand might take a long time, and there is no guarantee that TNPA will do the right thing next time around.
TPNA responded to questions with a terse email, saying that legal processes are under way to deal with the situation: “… as matters related to the contract are both confidential and sub judice, we will not be commenting publicly and request that the media allow the legal process currently under way to take its course.”
It will take decades to undo the damage, with members pointing out that the situation is not unique to Mossel Bay. Several yacht clubs have failed in recent years, or have been changed to drinking and dancing venues.
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vaccine injuries10

Almost 18 months since Wuhan cried COVID in December 2019, the global death rate for so-called "Covid-related" complications is still a mere 3,5 million out of a population of almost eight (8) BILLION people - 0,0004% 

Global Coronavirus Cases:






The South African death rate after almost 18 months is an insignificant 56, 293 out of a population of 60 MILLION people =  0,0000009382%

SA Coronavirus Cases:






Despite this insignificant number in context with the normal, annual death rate for more serious illnesses like cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and influenza, the global economy has been turned upside down and the worst restrictions and media censorship in history have been enforced.

While the world's true, independent medical experts and scientists are still in headlock regarding the true origin of this seemingly "unique" virus, the biggest vaccine experiment with novel RNA/Nano-technology on humans in the history of mankind, is applauded and enforced as the "golden key" to end lockdowns and bizarre restrictions.  

This is DESPITE the fact that NONE of these experimental "vaccines" have yet received full FDA approval and have already caused thousands of times more serious and fatal injuries and deaths than ANY other medicine or vaccine in history.

To date, the reported injuries and deaths due to Covid vaccinations already exceed ALL previous statistics in medical history and are increasing daily. Although only an estimated 1% of injuries are reported, a whopping total of 227,521 adverse events in America alone have already been reported to VAERS, including 4,406 deaths, although these shocking figures are NEVER mentioned in the mainstream media.

Small wonder that helpless and desperate victims of these mass experiments - including health care workers - have resorted to social media and other platforms to warn others and to show/tell their horrific stories.

Stephanie DuBois: 39-year-old British model dead 16 days after experimental AstraZeneca shot


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Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible

The ABC's "self-proclaimed" national health expert and TV presenter Dr Norman Swan has performed a complete backflip on his view on the coronavirus lab leak theory, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny. Dr Swan had previously stated on national television in May last year that the coronavirus was a "natural mutation" and did not originate from a lab. In an interview with the ABC on Tuesday Dr Swan said there were "increasing signs" the Wuhan Institute of Virology "may well have been the source". Mr Kenny said this was a "complete backflip" and another example of Dr Swan's and the ABC's "repeated errors" made throughout the pandemic. 

WHO is benefiting from this global vaccine gold rush?

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WHY were these effective, safe treatments deliberately withheld from the public? 


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