It is time now for the Church to make a difference in South Africa by voting godly men and women into government, said Errol Naidoo in an interview in Port Elizabeth yesterday.
The Family Policy Institute founder and media personality, who earlier this year announced he will be standing for the ACDP in next year’s general election, was in the city to address a public meeting.
Errol Naidoo in Port Elizabeth
He said that he has addressed gatherings in all the major centres in SA over the past few months and there was “lots of buy-in” from people of all races — especially pastors — who wanted to replace corrupt politicians and self-serving parties with competent people of integrity.
Before the last election, many Christians he had spoken to indicated they would be voting for “a stronger opposition”. Now, amidst national despondency over political corruption, he was hearing more Christians talking about a need for godly governance — “there is more of an acknowledgement that we need God”.
He said an audio recording of one of his earlier meetings — in Pretoria — had gone viral on social media and resulted in him getting many invitations to address groups. He would be speaking at forums around the country until the end of this year.
Communication campaign
He said while the ACDP had a well-deserved reputation for integrity, people did not know its policies and he was working on a major communication campaign to share the party’s position and solutions on the economy, jobs, land, reconciliation, health, education, crime, freedom of religion for all, and more.
The party had nearly 25 years of parliamentary experience and Steve Swart, one of its three MPs, was the longest-serving member of parliament’s judicial portfolio committee. Despite having had only seven MPs at its peak of representation and only three MPs for most of its life, the ACDP had “punched way above its weight”, influencing much legislation through portfolio committees. Cheryllyn Dudley MP had made parliamentary history last year by getting the first private member’s bill passed — on paternity leave.
With the help of a powerful, new, social media-management software package and a professional communications agency, they were creating a series of video clips to share the ACDP’s many achievements.
Clearly the argument that many Christians believed before the 2014 election, that a vote for a smaller party was a wasted vote, was not true, said Naidoo.
“I believe that Christians can make a difference in 2019 if they change their thinking and trust God this time.”
With the help of better communication, effective fundraising, and quality candidates, the ACDP’s vision was to secure 30 to 35 seats in parliament, as well as more representation in provincial legislatures.
“A stronger ACDP can definitely make a difference through godly men and women based on the word of God who want to serve Jesus Christ and not a man,” he said.
With 30 MPs the party would be represented in every portfolio committee and influence all legislation. They would also get more podium talk time to share solutions and they would have a greater budget allocation for staff to facilitate effective communication.
“The Bible says ‘select capable men…who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain’ to lead (Exodus 18:21).
Fear of God
“I believe that’s exactly what South Africa needs. There is a lack of fear of God with people doing what they wish which is taking the nation to the brink of disaster despite its great potential.
“If godly men and women go into parliament and the provincial legislatures and say to God: ‘Use us’. I believe He will use them.”
Referring to Matthew 5:16 (In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.) Naidoo said there was an urgent need — a window of opportunity — for Christians to shine their light in many spheres, including government.
“A view that is sometimes expressed that Christians should not go into politics speaks death over the nation.
“Every born-again believer is set apart to be used by God to bring change where they are. Jesus sends us into all of society and that includes parliament.
“If all good people, led by the Spirit, who know God’s word, stay out of government, we will leave a vacuum for wicked, incompetent people.
“We can’t abandon parliament and then complain and want to leave SA. The wicked do what they do: be wicked,” he said.
He said the political reality in South Africa was not democracy, with government for the people by the people. It was government by political parties who serve their interests. What voters said did not matter. Party leaders call the shots, which was why the ANC had protected former president Jacob Zuma eight times during no confidence debates.
“We need a godly party that is about the country and not the party,” he said.
“I believe that Christians can make a difference in 2019 if they change their thinking and trust God this time.”
Short but very accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one.
A must read post!
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