It's much worse than fishy . . . One cannot help wondering WHAT is going on at the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries - the governmental authority that is supposed to safeguard and protect our coastlines and marine life - if their officials have become the "untouchable" masterminds behind the poaching.
Just a week ago we reported on the high speed Police chase along the R44 when abalone worth R5 million was found in a white Toyota Verso after the driver ran away . . he was never caught . . . and that is no surprise in the light of today's shocking revelation that the DAFF officials who allegedly abused their power to run one of the biggest abalone poaching syndicates in the Western Cape are back in their jobs.

"Dis so ironies . . . Terwyl akwa-boerdery nou die jongste gier raak om glo in die dreigende "vistekort" te voorsien, kom stropers byna daagliks weg met mijoene rande se perlemoen en diepsee-visspesies vir veral die Oosterse sluikhandelmark? Die SAPD het gister ná 'n jaagtog op die R44 beslag gelê op dié reuse-vonds perlemoen ter waarde van R5 miljoen, maar die verdagte het weggekom . . . die bestuurder van die wit Toyota Verso was vermoedelik op pad na die Kaapstad-hawe en het te voet gevlug. Miskien het die wêreld nie kunsmatige visplase nodig nie, maar bloot strenger kus- en hawebestuur om dié stropery uit te roei wat ook die dwelmbedryf voed?" Foto: Polisie verskaf
Today, the following article appeared in Times Live:
Officials charged with corruption over abalone poaching are back at work
20 June 2018 - 14:53
An abalone-poaching syndicate smashed by police this week had its own office and tax-funded vehicles, which were used to prey on the Western Cape coast for almost a decade.