LETTER TO DISCOVERY LIFE 28 January 2021 Dear sir/madam E.C. Wessels ID No: 5703040143087 Discovery Health Membership No: 140 959 702 Discovery...
THEY ARE GROWING THE COVID-19 VIRUS IN SOUTH AFRICA "Listen to the clip below. From the 38th minute, a W.H.O. Doctor says more than twice that South...
Since early last year, several SA doctors have been cautioning against the severe lockdown regulations and how it defies the purpose of ending the...
Test 3
Test 3
Test 3
Crucial excerpts from the Frontline Doctors' 67-page Covid watershed court document to STOP the mass experimentation on humans, and their expert...
Almost a year after the first Covid-19 case was reported in Wuhan City, China and caused an unprecedented global panic, a group of scientists made the first...
THE CURRENT SITUATION IN SPACE SpaceX The launch of 57 more satellites by SpaceX in the early morning of Friday, August 7, at 1:12 AM EDT, has...
Download: Provisional Atmospheric Emissions...
Download: Environmental Authorisation & Air Emissions Licence, Afro...
Download: Afro Fishing Environmental Authorisation
Download CID Enlargement Project - Voting Time Download CID Ballot...
While the ongoing #Fishrot investigation into state capture, bribery, money-laundering and fishy deals to access Namibia's prolific fishing waters has opened a...
Download: Fishcor Letter to Ministers of...
Download Cape Environmental Assessment Practitioners Notification of 29 January 2020...
Ná so 'n lang vakansie wat gekenmerk is deur uiterste droogte, wisselvallige weerstoestande, top-vermaak en 'n allemintige geskatte miljoen mense wat...
Namibian authorities investigate claims $10m fish quota hijacked by politicians By Undercurrent News Oct. 7, 2019 Namibian anti-corruption authorities...
AfroFishing-Supplementary Answering Affidavit Download Link...
Download Fishmeal Factory Comments & Responses (172 Pages, 715KB)...
SKORPIOS SECURITY is celebrating its fifth year of keeping Mossel Bay residents and businesses safe and secure despite escalating crime throughout the...
Die wiel van geregtigheid draai stadig maar seker . . . Die twee jong gewoontemisdadigers wat op 2 Desember verlede jaar by die huis van 'n geliefde...
Die soektog na die vermiste Heidi Scheepers (35) en haar dogter Cozette (6) het Saterdag oor die etensuur 'n dramatiese wending geneem toe 'n lid...
Nothing beats a lazy, leisurely cruise on a catamaran along a pristine coastline while the setting sun sets the sea alight in a brilliant display of colour...
TOP STARS FOR MOSJAZZ FESTIVAL The 3rd annual MosJazz Festival at De Bakke/Santos Holiday Resort in Mossel Bay is taking place from 28 November to 2...
Water is globally regarded as the new GOLD and greater awareness and responsibility is needed from ALL humans to conserve this most precious...
STREET CAFé AMBIENCE WITH SPANISH DANCE PERFORMANCE - OLé! September 7 at 2:33 AM · We can't think of a more ideal place for regular live STREET...
The second annual SOUL FESTIVAL in Mossel Bay was celebrated in extraordinary warm, sunny weather - in the heart of the Cape winter. The festivities in...
An open-hearted interview with the managing director of Afro Fishing, Deon van Zyl, regarding the company's plans to add a fish meal and oil...
Councillor Jeanette Gouws of the ACDP party issued a press release stating why the party cannot approve the contentious new municipal budget which...
Die 2019 verkiesing is lankal verby, die meeste omstrede politici is weer iewers in sleutelposisies ontplooi en terwyl pres. Cyril Ramaphosa in sy...
Daar gebeur elke dag soveel dinge op die nuusfront dat g'n mens kan byhou of alles onthou nie. Omdat Mosselbayontheline meesal die belangrikste nuus saam met...
While an epic and costly legal fight is still raging along the West Coast to save the protected Langebaan Lagoon from the devastating effects of a...
The new regional Garden Route Port Festival will not be launched in April as speculated earlier, but during the weekend of 2 and 3 November 2019....
The application by Afro Fishing (Pty) Ltd. to establish a fish meal and fish oil manufacturing plant on the old I&J premises on Quay 1 of the Mossel...
Die inheemse inwoners van Power Town langs die Klein-Brakrivier is 'n trotse en vredeliewende groep mense wat net 'n rustige en vreedsame bestaan in...
The second MosJazz Festival that brought some of the world's best jazzers to Mossel Bay for four days of relaxing soul music and soulful...
Die afgelope Desembervakansie lê op sy rug en volgens alle aanduidings was dit een van die lekkerste, warmste en bedrywigste feesseisoene nóg in die...
♫ Down by the Riverside . . . ♫ The peaceful tranquillity of the Oyster World Restaurant on the banks of the Great Brak River involuntarily reminds one of...
Kinders se Kersvreugde Oukersaand is gister feestelik en vreugdevol in die ware sin van die woord op verskeie plekke in die Mosselbaai-omgewing...
Catch of the Day . . . YAY - it's THAT time of the year along the Mossel Bay coastline again where 23 pristine beaches, sapphire skies and seas and a...
I WON'T BE SILENCED - ACDP COUNCILLOR Friday, 30 November 2018, 09:30 Councillor Jeanette Gouws The ACDP representative in the Mossel Bay municipal...
Top South African municipal managers can now earn more than the president Staff Writer8 November 2018 The Department of Co-Operative Governance and...
Terwyl politieke imenging en magspeletjies toenemend 'n probleem word by munisipaliteite, en inwoners al hoe meer kla hulle word uitgebuit en soos...
Dis so ironies . . . Net meer as twee weke nadat 'n Muur van Herinnering die naweek van 6 Oktober 2018 vir die agt slagoffers van verlede jaar se...
Die verwoestende brande wat sedert 23 Oktober 2018 groot dele van die Suid-Kaap vanaf Vermaaklikheid naby Riversdal tot in Plettenbergbaai in puin...
WOW, and THIS is why everybody wants to live here . . . While we humans moan and groan about the cold and wind, nature flaunts its beauty all around...
Meet Frik and the team from TopUp Mossel Bay If you’re a Mossel Bay local you’ve probably met Frik Hayward from our TopUp service station in Marsh...
It is time now for the Church to make a difference in South Africa by voting godly men and women into government, said Errol Naidoo in an interview in...
The Cape Party have joined forces with the Green Party. The Green Party is focused on a sustainable environment and will continue to focus on this, only...
Vote CAPE PARTY to keep the anc OUT and to hold the da accountable in the Western Cape! Carlo Viljoen August 29 at 7:16 AM Voters wrongly believe...
GENOEG is GENOEG! George neem leiding met reuse-veldtog teen korrupsie in Suid-Kaapse regeringsektore Deur Jackie Kruger 01 September 2018 07:17 ’n...
Altesame 21 informele nedersettings in Mosselbaai gaan formele dienste ontvang en meer as 4 000 gedienste persele sal aan kwalifiserende...
“I would say that people should pay very special attention to what is going on in politics because it affects everything. People should also take...
Die uiters vreemde stilswye oor die moontlikheid van 'n samesmelting tussen Mosselbaai en George-munisipaliteite duur voort . . . veral in die lig...
METROPOOL OF NIE. . . DRIE goed wat pla . . . hoekom die swye? Wat het geword van die konsultant wat aangestel sou word om die moontlikheid van 'n...
Die Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit het die volgende persverklaring uitgereik na aanleiding van verlede week se gewelddadige protesoptredes in die dorp...
The tale of Peet's Pot is a feel-good story about the power of a noble vision . . . and what happens when great minds think alike towards a Bigger...
O, my SIEL . . . Ons weet Mosselbaai gaan GROOT met alles wat hy aanpak, maar as twee groot geeste boonop saamspan om die grootste potjiekospot in die...
An amazing walk from Wilderness to Victoria Bay along the railway tracks includes a breathtaking bridge crossing, dark train tunnels and glorious...
OH MY SOUL - Wôtalot of POT is on its way to hit Mossel Bay . . . ? This coastal gem upon which Bartolomeu Dias stumbled some 530 years ago has...
Remember the perky old song - ♫ Just a Spoonful of Sugar makes the Medicine go down . . . in the most delightful way ♫ ? Well, some 50 years later,...
MAYORAL GOLF DAY: 22 JUNE 2018 The Executive Mayor of Mossel Bay will be hosting the 2nd Annual Mayoral Golf Day on 22 June 2018 in order to raise funds...
Ontstelde Mosselbaaiers wat die afgelope paar maande hemelhoë munisipale rekeninge ontvang het, word aangemoedig om die munisipale kantore te besoek...
Tien redes om 'n draai te maak op Mosselbaai. WEG 04 Mei 2017Mosselbaai staan nie verniet bekend as die “doen-dinge-bestemming” nie. Hier is 10 van...
Welcome to Mossel Bay - the exquisite coastal town in the heart of the Garden Route where our earliest ancestors chose to live some 164,000 years...
TROTS Mosselbaai! 'n Kort video van Mosselbaai uit die lug wat Jaco Vollgraaff met sy hommeltuig geneem het - net om almal weer te herinner aan die...
Delfino’s Restaurant is much more than an ordinary eatery in superb surroundings – it is the quintessential FOOD EXPERIENCE and personification of what the...
Mossel Bay Municipality is the most sustainable municipality in the country for 2017, according to a recent financial report by Ratings Afrika, an...
The old German saying “Guter wein braucht kein Aushängeschild” comes to mind after blatantly over-indulging on crispy veggies, salads and a variety...
In this policy we use the term “cookies” to refer to cookies and other similar technologies covered by the EU Directive on privacy in electronic...
These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of www.mosselbayontheline.co.za 's Website. www.mosselbayontheline.co.za is located at: Mossel...
We respect the privacy of everyone who visits this website. As a result we would like to inform you regarding the way we would use your personal...
We want you to feel at home when you post a comment on MosselbayonTheline. We want everyone to feel at home posting comments on MosselbayonTheline....
Clean, fresh country air tinged with a trace of the nearby ocean . . . and all-round vistas of undulating green-hued hills and valleys where free...
Die Mosselbaai/Hartenbos-omgewing met sy pragtige natuurskoon en volop buitemuurse aktiwiteite is vinnig besig om een van Suid-Afrika se...
Mossel Bay’s first JAZZ festival brought a whopping 7 000 lovers of this rhythmic, swinging “blue note” music to the picturesque De Bakke beach for an...
The 13th Buffalo Rally held in Mosselbay from 16-18 March 2018 was in all aspects a huge success with some 4300 bikers roaring into town from all...
Rock-planted in Mossel Bay’s most prime spot above the famous “Blougat-sloep” with sweeping views of the iconic St Blaize Lighthouse and bat cave...
Mosselbaai se nuwe toerismehoof, Aneli Gerber, is nog net sowat drie maande in haar nuwe pos, maar haar hart is lankal tuis in die mooie Mosselbaai met...
Registrasie naweek 10/11 Maart 2018
Moss Jazz Festival : 22 – 25 March 2018 Jazz on the Rocks was successfully introduced to Tieties Bay, Paternoster in 2011. The event was an instant...
Study shows challenges faced by tourism accommodation industry in becoming more sustainable One of the major findings of a recent study at...
Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit het dit wéér gedoen! Die sesde SKOON oudit-verslag in ‘n ry – en dit in ‘n jaar wat baie munisipaliteite in die res van...
‘n Klipgooi buite Mosselbaai op die Brandwag-grondpad begroet ‘n bosveld-landskap jou waar kameelperde, springbokke en eksotiese wildspesies...
Die Dorp van die Jaar het dit wéér gedoen! ‘n Fees der feeste uitgepak met top-vermaak vir derduisende mense van verskillende lande, kulture en...
To all appearances, the 2017/2018 festive season seemed to have been another whopping success for the Town of the Year with thousands of local and...
Die Suid-Kaap is die afgelope week geteister deur verskeie brande wat plek-plek handuit geruk en vinnig versprei het. Versengende hitte en wind wat...
When you walk along Suid Street in Eureka Park, Great Brak River, in December, it’s like stepping into a fairytale landscape . . .
The old Tafeltjie Dek restaurant in Great Brak River underwent an innovative facelift and now offers a new kind of “watch dog” to keep the younger...
Point of Human Origin officially launched their new guided hike, “Point Wander”, yesterday.
DA moet geld terugbetaal, eis raadslid | Netwerk24 Die DA moet die geld terugbetaal wat Marius Botha, Mosselbaai se afgedankte finansiële hoof, die...
YAY! At Last! An independent ALL-IN-ONE ONLINE News and Media Platform for Mossel Bay and neighbouring South Cape towns and areas in the spectacular...
Jy kan haar deur ‘n ring trek. Die vrou wat die deur oopmaak, is nog net so slank, goed versorg en statig soos met ‘n laaste ontmoeting 23 jaar...
Wat maak ‘n gesoute senior Wesrandse moord-en-roof speurder op Groot-Brakrivier – en dit nogal met ‘n klomp donkies, honde, varke, beeste, perde,...
These stunning aerial photos taken with a drone depict some of the beauty of the South Cape along the Garden Route . . .
The much earlier Provincial Heritage Cape St. Blaize Cave in Mossel Bay is an important archaeological site, and a popular point for whale and...
Surfing at the Point in Mossel Bay . . . one of the millions of extreme outdoor adventure sports one can indulge in along this beautiful coastline...
The St Blaize Hiking Trail is a wonderfully scenic combination of craggy coastline, interesting caves and rock formations, sweeping ocean views and...
The controversial Mossgas/PetroSA saga reads like a psycho economic thriller . . . the one minute the loss-making, troubled state oil company admits...
PUTTING YOU ON THE LINE . . . MosselbayonTheline is an INDEPENDENT community-based initiative to keep locals from Mossel Bay and surrounds informed about...
WHY is the Mossel Bay area so popular? Apart from its mild Mediterranean climate, lush vegetation and natural beauty in the centre of the famous...