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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

SKORPIOS SECURITY is celebrating its fifth year of keeping Mossel Bay residents and businesses safe and secure despite escalating crime throughout the country.

To celebrate this milestone, the company is offering extra competitive packages to the first 50 new clients who want to invest in their safety with the latest technology on the market during the months of November, December and January.

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Proudly local and boasting three members with comprehensive security service backgrounds who were born and bred in Mossel Bay, the company specializes in affordable, yet the most effective security equipment, devices and services best suited for Mossel Bay's specific crime needs.


 Your safety is our business 


SKORPIOS Security is a fast-growing, dynamic company who values our clients' safety. We pride ourselves in giving value for money and going the extra mile. The company was established on 1 April 2014 by a group of native Mossel Bay men who all have extensive experience in various aspects of security services and who know the area and its vulnerabilities like the palm of their hand.


Alarm & Camera Installation * Monitoring & Response * CCTV * Access Control * Electrical Fencing * Off-site Camera Monitoring * 24/7 Service

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Using the latest state of the art technology, we offer a 24-hour service to safeguard you and your premises while you eat, sleep, work or play.


Angelique Proudfoot is one of our diligent control room operators who work shifts to monitor the CCTV cameras 24/7 in our operational area from Hartenbos to Heiderand.  


Johan Lourens is one of our well-trained reaction unit officers making sure no culprit or suspect gets away . . . 

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Our reaction unit officers and vehicles are fast, reliable and equipped to deal with any safety situation in the Mossel Bay area from Hartenbos to Heiderand. 

        We render serious service with a smile - it's not for sissies! 




Our spacious offices are located in 49 Louis Fourie Road (next to the Boland Park entrance).

Tel: 0446 911 300 or 081 544 9300

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Jou veiligheid is ons besigheid 

SKORPIOS SECURITY vier sy 5de jaar van suksesvolle dienslewering in die veiligheidsbedryf in Mosselbaai met 'n spesiale reeks mededingende pakkette vir die eerste vyftig nuwe kliënte wat in die volgende drie maande - November, Desember, Januarie - in hul veiligheid wil belê.

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Misdaad is niemand se speelmaat nie. 



Trots Mosselbaai

Skorpios Security is 'n dinamiese, vinnig-groeiende plaaslike maatskappy wat spesialiseer in bekostigbare, dog die mees doeltreffende veiligheidstoerusting, toestelle en dienste om in Mosselbaai se spesifieke misdaadbestrydingsbehoeftes te voorsien.

Die maatskappy is op 1 April 2014 deur 'n groep gebore Mosselbaaiers gestig wat elkeen jare lange ervaring in verskillende aspekte van veiligheidsdienste het. 

Dienste sluit in:

Installering van alarmstelsels & kameras * Monitering & Reaksie-eenhede * CCTV * Toegangsbeheer * Geëlektrifiseerde Heinings * Afstand-Kameramonitering * 24/7-dienslewering


Angelique Proudfoot is een van die beheerkamer-operateurs wat 24/7 die CCTV-beeldmateriaal monitor. 

Kontak ons

Skorpios Security se kantore is in Louis Fourieweg 49 (langs ingang na Boland Park).

Tel: 0446 911 300 of 081 544 9300

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