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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Catch of the Day . . . 

YAY - it's THAT time of the year along the Mossel Bay coastline again where 23 pristine beaches, sapphire skies and seas and a zillion outdoor & indoor activities await the thousands of visitors who flock here annually to escape from the toils and turmoils of city life and recharge their batteries . . .

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, beach, outdoor, water and nature

Who can blame them? Just a quick drive along the Mossel Bay coastline . . . and the happy faces and high spirits we encountered everywhere is proof that the festive mood has kicked in and will prevail for the next two weeks . . . 


Yeah, we know there are traffic jams; some shops and restaurants had doubled their prices; there are noise pollution from inconsiderate people and petty crime will always be a factor in sunny South Africa . . . but surely the beauty and bliss surpass the few irritations and with a little respect, consideration and patience all problems can be solved (or endured) amicably in the true spirit of the season.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

The Mossel Bay region has donned her best attire to entice and enthrall ALL those who came from near or far to enjoy her exquisite charms and the local residents, businesses and authorities have worked hard to ensure a safe and SUPER STAY to all visitors.


* More happy holiday photos and information about the Road Works and the battle to save Mossel Bay's rivers and estuaries here:

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