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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit is amptelik as die beste munisipaliteit op grond van lewenskwaliteit vir inwoners in die land aangewys in die jaarlikse Good Governance Africa (GGZ)-indeks vir 2019, terwyl Swartland wéér bo-aan Ratings Afrika se lys is vir finansiële stabiliteit. 

Volgens die GGZ-indeks is 12 van die beste provinsiale munisipaliteite in die land in die Wes-Kaap, terwyl die meerderheid van die swakste munisipaliteite in KwaZulu-Natal is.

Tweede is Senqu in die Lady Grey-omgewing in die Oos-Kaap, en derde is die Swartland-munisipaliteit, wat Malmesbury insluit, wat verlede jaar saam met Mosselbaai deur Ratings Afrika as die mees volhoubare munisipaliteit vir 2017 in die land aangewys is. 

  • Volgens die jongste Ratings Afrika-indeks oor munisipaliteite se finansiële stabiliteit is Swartland Munisipaliteit egter vanjaar wéér (alleen) bo-aan die lys met 86 punte, gevolg deur Senqu Munisipaliteit met 85 punte. Ratings Afrika se Munisipale Finansiële Stabiliteit-indeks assesseer hoe die land se munisipaliteite hul geld bestuur en watter invloed dit op dienslewering het. Die groep definieer finansiële stabiliteit as die vermoë tot dienslewering en die ontwikkeling en handhawing van infrastruktuur volgens inwoners se behoefte sonder onbeplande tarief- en belastingverhogings en 'n afname in die gehalte van dienslewering.
  • Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit het waarskynlik dié top-posisie in die jongste Ratings Afrika-indeks verloor nadat hy verlede jaar die eerste keer sy skoon oudit verloor het nadat hy ses jaar agtereenvolgens met 'n skoon oudit kon spog. Die nuwe voorgestelde begroting vir die 2019/20 finansiële boekjaar sluit ook drastiese verhogings vir eiendomsbelasting (15%), Vullisverwydering (15%) en Elektrisiteit 12,9 %) in. (Ratings Afrika-indeks onderaan). 

Good Governance Africa is 'n nuwe evalueringsindeks wat onlangs eers begin het om die welstand van munisipaliteite en hul inwoners op grond van verskillende kategorieë te bepaal. "The 2019 Government Performance Index is a continuation of GGA’s local government research, which began in 2016. This year, we were able to compare the state of South Africa’s municipalities with our previous index and have found a significant variation in the municipal landscape, and some shifts within the rankings."

Die Mosselbaai Munisipaliteit het die volgende verklaring uitgereik ná die bekendmaking van die GGZ-indeks.

Munisipale bestuurder Thys Giliomee het die raadslede, bestuur en alle amptenare geluk gewens en bedank vir hul harde werk, toewyding en lojaliteit aan die munisipaliteit en die mense van Mosselbaai. 

Mun beste in land

Wes-Kaapse munisipaliteite oorheers die lys van die top 20-munisipaliteite. 

Die res van die top 20-munisipaliteite is: 

4. Sol Plaatje - Noord-Kaap);

5. Groter Kokstad - KwaZulu-Natal);
6. Midvaal - Gauteng);
7. Khai-Ma - Noord-Kaap);
8. Bergrivier - Wes-Kaap);
9. Kaap Agulhas - Wes-Kaap);
10. Prins Albert - Wes-Kaap);
11. Swellendam - Wes-Kaap);
12. Cederberg - Wes-Kaap);
13. Matzikama - Wes-Kaap);
14. Overstrand - Wes-Kaap);
15. Witzenberg - Wes-Kaap);
16. Koukamma - Oos-Kaap);
17. Hantam - Wes-Kaap);
18. Nama Khoi - Noord-Kaap);
19. Hessequa - Wes-Kaap); en
20. Langeberg - Wes-Kaap).



Dr. Ivan Meyer, LUR vir finansies, het gesê die verslag bevestig die goeie finansiële vertoning van munisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap en wys die band tussen goeie finansiële bestuur en ’n munisipaliteit se vermoë om gehaltediens aan inwoners te lewer. 

Die GGA neem drie faktore in - die gehalte van die administrasie, ekonomiese ontwikkeling en dienslewering.

Inligting wat deur GGA gebruik word, sluit in data van Statistieke Suid-Afrika, verslae van die ouditeurgeneraal, inligting wat die munisipaliteite self verskaf en verslae van die nasionale tesourie.

Van die agt metrorade het die Kaapstadse metro die beste gevaar. Dit is 43ste op die ranglys van al die munisipaliteite. Die ander metrorade het as volg gevaar: Buffalostad (60); Nelson Mandelabaai (61); Ekurhuleni (69); Johannesburg (70); eThekwini (71); Tshwane (90) en Mangaung (91).

Die drie swakste munisipaliteite is Msinga (ANC, KwaZulu-Natal) in die eerste plek, gevolg deur uMhlabuyalingana (ANC, KwaZulu-Natal) en Port St. Johns (ANC, Oos-Kaap).

Lees ook:

Ratings Afrika het Swartland Munisipaliteit vanjaar egter weer bo-aan die lys vir beste finansiële bestuur, gevolg deur Senqu (Lady Grey): 

These are the best and worst run municipalities in South Africa

18 April 2019

Two new independent reports have been published which assess the financial stability, and governance of South Africa’s municipalities.

The Municipal Financial Stability Index published by Ratings Afrika, assesses how the country’s municipalities manage their money, and how this impacts service delivery in those areas.

The group defines financial stability as the ability to deliver services, develop and maintain the infrastructure required by its residents without unplanned increases in rates and taxes or a reduction in the level of services.

It also means a municipality is able to absorb financial shocks caused by external factors, without needing financial assistance from third parties.

To determine the top and bottom performers in this index, Ratings Afrika assessed the financial statements of municipalities to June 2018, as reported to National Treasury.

Worryingly, the 2018 index found that most of the municipalities in South Africa are in financial distress, lacking proper budget planning and not exercising adequate fiscal discipline, with expenses exceeding income and resulting in losses.

“Only 23 municipalities from the sample of 100 have reported operating surpluses, with the remaining 77 reporting operating deficits,” Ratings Afrika said.

“The combined profits of those with a surplus amount to only R1.4 billion, whereas the combined losses amount to R13.3 billion.”

Further, the combined working capital shortfall for the sample was R23 billion – making it almost impossible for these municipalities to provide any services, it said.

“This might lead to a total breakdown in service delivery, with catastrophic consequences for residents and businesses, which in turn could encourage political unrest.”

Looking at specific areas, the weakest provinces are Free State and North West, with average scores of 17 and 24 respectively. The majority of the municipalities in these provinces are in serious financial trouble, the group said.

The Western Cape, with an average of 63, is the highest scoring province and it is also the province that has improved the most over the last five years, from 52 in 2014 to 63 in 2018. Western Cape is the only province whose governance practices are considered to be sound.

The tables below show the best and worst municipalities in each province:


 Best and worst-run municipalities

A second report, Government Performance Index for 2019, comes from think-tank Good Governance Africa (GGA).

GGA’s index ranks 213 local municipalities from best to worst based on how they deliver across three main indicators: quality of administration, economic development, and service delivery.

In the group’s analysis it looked at whether a municipality has enough skilled personnel to manage the running of the area, and how it delivers on services like providing water, sanitation, education, electricity, housing, waste removal, healthcare and policing.

Financial management and reporting is also analysed.

According to the GGA index, Mossel Bay municipality is the best-run municipality in the country, followed by the Senqu municipality in the Eastern Cape.

Of the top 20 municipalities, 12 are in the Western Cape, and 11 are run by the Democratic Alliance, with four others being DA/other party coalitions.

On the opposite end of the scales, Msinga municipality in KwaZulu Natal was ranked as the worst-run in the country, below uMhlabuyalingana in the same province.

Among the bottom 20 municipalities, nine are found in KwaZulu Natal, and seven are in the Eastern Cape. Most are ANC-led, with the IFP running four of them.

According to Ratings Afrika, the South African municipal sector is currently facing collapse – and correction will require decisive political leadership that looks after the interests of the residents including that of the business community.

While not mentioning the ANC by name, the group said that the current political leadership in control of the majority of municipalities has demonstrated over the last five years and more to not being capable of sound governance.

“This is the main cause of the deteriorating financial sustainability of the municipal sector in South Africa,” it said.

It suggested that leaders stop looking after their own interests, root out corruption, appoint managers with the right skills and experience to implement sound budgetary practices, and exercise strict financial discipline.

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