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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Following last year's contentious and out of the blue "announcement" and sod-turning ceremony by the Garden Route District Municipality to celebrate the speedy construction of an R1 billion chemical plant next to PetroSA that would supply at least 3 000 jobs within a year, a complete turnabout has now been made.

In the latest GRDM media release, the planned chemical plant proposed by Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants has been put on the back-burner pending the finalization of plans and an environmental impact study, etc.

During the official sod-turning ceremony in October last year was from left Lee Norman, chairperson of Ikusasa Process Engineering Consultants, André Theunissen, a director of Ikusasa, Memory Booysen, mayor of Garden Route District Municipality, Harry Levendal, mayor of Mossel Bay and Shadrack Tshikalange, port manager at Mossel Bay TNPA.

The latest media release is in stark contrast with what the mayor of the GRDM, Memory Booysen, said during the official sod-turning ceremony in October last year when he announced that this time, the law will be "used to let things happen and speed things up . . . "  


According to the media release, the development of the regional waste management facility on the same 205-hectare property as the proposed chemical plant will be prioritized to be finalized by the end of 2019.

Booysen's premature announcement about the chemical plant and the hasty manner in which it was to be implemented, caused a public outcry as no information whatsoever was made available and no legal processes were followed.

Residents and affected parties were supposed to submit their written comments or objections to the proposed plans on or before December 7, 2018, whilst no details about the proposed chemical plant were known. 

chemical plant kennisgewing  

chemiese aanleg brief

Meanwhile, another application has been received to lease 10 hectares of the same property, which forms part of Erf 419, adjacent to PetroSA, for the construction of a petroleum product storage facilities. In the long term, the company intends to expand their business into a lubricant oil or a lube oil blending plant.

 Regional Waste facility

Foremost is the development of the regional waste management facility on Farm 419, Mossel Bay that is said to be finalized by the end of 2019.

The facility will occupy +-70% of the 205-hectare property (approximate size of 143.5 hectares) belonging to GRDM. A private partner was selected by GRDM and a Public Private Partnership agreement will soon be entered into between the District Council and the company. Constructing and operating the facility for a period of ten years will be the responsibility of the appointed company.

Bitou, Knysna, George, and Mossel Bay Municipalities will make use of the Waste Management Facility which will deal with domestic and hazardous waste disposal. Mobile chipping and crushing facilities will be included to assist the four Local Municipalities with Green Waste Management.

In addition to the Regional Landfill Facility, the following two proposals were received and are subject to all applicable legislation, application requirements, and approvals. One proposal was received from Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants (PTY) Ltd and the other from Moumakoe-Geza Joint Venture. Sufficient land (+-30% of the 205 hectares of land) is available on Farm 419 for these developments.

Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants

The Garden Route Investment Conference, which was held in March 2018, stimulated the interest of two multi-national companies to invest in the Garden Route. One of the two, which is known as Ikusasa Processing Engineering Consultants (PTY) LTD, approached GRDM with a proposal stating their intent to erect a chemical plant that will support the wide variety of sectors in the region and outside portion of Farm 419 in Mossel Bay.

The size will be determined once the necessary plans are finalized and presented to the Garden Route District Municipality and approved by Mossel Bay Municipality. Necessary studies i.e. EIA's will also have to be undertaken for this proposed development.

Moumakoe-Geza joint venture

Moumakoe-Geza joint venture has recently requested to lease 10 hectares of GRDM land, which forms part of Erf 419, adjacent to PetroSA for the construction of a petroleum product storage facilities. In the long term, the company intends to expand their business into a lubricant oil or a lube oil blending plant. The plant will have the capacity of producing 20 800 000 liters of blended products per annum. Studies have revealed that South Africa has a lubricant demand of 2 million barrels per annum.

This project is, therefore, a win-win solution for the Garden Route in terms of social and economic development. Necessary studies such as environmental impact assessments will also have to be undertaken for this proposed development.

Apparently, Mr Ludwe Geza indicated that the first order of business for the Moumakoe-Geza joint venture would, in fact, be storage facilities similar to what PetroSA operates in Voorbaai. He was adamant that the lubricant and/or lube oil blending plant is not an immediate priority but instead mooted as a long term goal for their endeavor.


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