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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News


The 3rd annual MosJazz Festival at De Bakke/Santos Holiday Resort in Mossel Bay is taking place from 28 November to 2 December 2019 and promises to be the biggest and best one thus far.

The music line-up is impressive, with confirmed artists thus far including the cream of the crop of South African entertainers such as Ernie Smith, N2, Early B (Ben 10), Jarrad Rickets, Public Opinion, Ocean Breeze, Kurt Darren, Late Final, Vuvu Khumalo, G Minor, Ladgen's Tribute Band, Sons of Sellassie, Salome, Donveno's Got the Funk, Jabez, Jimmy Dludlu, Alistair Izobell, Claire Phillips, Signature SA and Jeodhouse.



Only 99 campsites are left for those who want to be close to the action. Campsite holders get special parking, bar and braai facilities overlooking a new stage that will be located in the water.

The water of the Indian Ocean is warm, so everyone can enjoy the music while cooling off in the sea. De Bakke Santos Resort has exemplary ablutions and the organisers, Camissa Solutions, promises that your every need will be taken care of. Swim, dance, camp. . . 

LIVE LIFE! is their motto.

For this premium relationship with the biggest annual music event on the Cape South Coast call or email De Bakke Santos Resort for your campsite for 6 to 8 people.

Don't miss out and prepare to be inspired!

Tickets online available @

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 076 058 7153 or 044 690 3760.


 Vuvu Khumalo


Die derde jaarlikse MosJazz-musiekfees vind van 29 November tot 2 Desember plaas by die  De Bakke/Santos-vakansieoord in Mosselbaai en dit beloof om die beste en grootste een tot dusver te wees.

Die musiek-aanbieding is indrukwekkend, en die bevestigde kunstenaars tot dusver sluit  die room van Suid-Afrika se sterre in, soos Ernie Smith, N2, Early B (Ben 10), Jarrad Rickets, Public Opinion, Ocean Breeze, Kurt Darren, Late Final, Vuvu Khumalo, G Minor, Ladgen's Tribute Band, Sons of Sellassie, Salome, Donveno's Got the Funk, Jabez, Jimmy Dludlu, Alistair Izobell, Claire Phillips, Signature SA en Jeodhouse.


Kurt Darren

Kurt Darren

Slegs 99 kampeerplekke is nog oor vir diegene wat naby die aksie wil wees. Kampeerders kry spesiale parkering en braai- en kroeggeriewe wat ‘n fantastiese uitsig bied oor die nuwe verhoog – wat in die water opgerig gaan word.

Die water van die Indiese Oseaan is warm, so almal kan die musiek geniet terwyl hulle in die see afkoel. De Bakke Santos Resort het uitstekende geriewe en die organiseerders, Camissa Solutions, belowe dat mooi gekyk sal word na die behoeftes van feesgangers.

Swem, dans, kampeer… LEWE! is hul leuse.



Om jou plek te bespreek of meer uit te vind oor die grootste jaarlikse strandmusiekfees op die Kaapse Suidkus kan jy De Bakke Santos bel of epos vir ‘n kampplek vir 6 tot 8 mense. Moene dit misloop nie en wees voorbereid om geïnspireer te word.

Kaartjies is aanlyn beskikbaar by

Epos This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  of bel 076 058 7153 | 044 690 3760.

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