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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Strong and valid objections against the proposed fish meal factory in Mossel Bay's harbour have been pouring in since Mosselbayontheline was urged by concerned residents to launch a petition against the industry due to its devastating effects on the environment, tourism and the livelihood of residents and visitors.

Although most people indicated their concerns and objections, only 331 people have thus far actually SIGNED the petition. The deadline for objections is TODAY and those against such a factory can still register and email their concerns to the following address and/or sign the ongoing petition:

Register Fish Meal factory

Here are some of the concerns and objections raised by those who have already signed the petition:

* It is unacceptable to give permission to go ahead with the proposed Fish Meal Factory without taking into account the concerns of the taxpaying residents of this town. The location of this factory would cause severe problems of air pollution and stress to the residents. Progress is not made to the detriment of the taxpayer nor can the local Government make this decision without considering the impact on business and tourism in our town. I am against this factory and will do all within the law to see it doesn't happen.

* Ek werk in Mossdustria en daar is 'n vismeelfabriek en dit vrot. Kan nie leef van stank party dae.

* We live next door to a fish factory and have first hand experience of just how unpleasant the odours are and how the seawater is polluted by the activity. A fish factory has no place in a primarily holiday destination - especially if the town was not previously renowned for such an activity.

* I'm signing as air, odour and sea pollution are inevitable outcomes of this proposed factory. It has no place in Mossel Bay's most important and sensitive areas and facilities tourism wise (Dias Museum Complex, Santos Blue Flag Beach, Gannet/Protea Hotel complex, the Point, the Goods Shed, proposed Mossel Bay Waterfront) and is also close too close to residential areas.

* I have experienced these factories on the West Coast , Saldanha, St Helena Bay and even with the new high technology extractors and equipment it makes the whole area smells worse than shit!

* I read the environmental impact study which makes it very clear that there is no guarantee that the stinking and toxic emissions will not be impacting the inhabitants of the city.

  • * It will destroy the charm of Mosselbay for kilometers around that area where they plan the facility. Financially it does not make sense for Mosselbay and the incidence of shark attacks will definitely increase. Mosselbay as a tourist destination will cease to exist. This will impact on the value of property in the area. The overall balance of current versus future value of Mosselbay will take a turn for the worse. Especially if the investors are not from South Africa or more specifically from Eden. Economical spin-offs from this factory will be minimal in comparison to the oil find or Petros A for instance. I think that an EIA must be further supported by a socio-economic impact study. The reasons will then become clear why not to go ahead with this idea. It makes more sense to enhance the current economic drivers of the town. Waterfront development? That makes sense!
  •          * 

* It's going to destroy Mossel Bay's harbour with restaurants and tourism. Those kind of factories need to be set up in Industrial areas, not in residential areas where its people rely on tourism.

  • Besides having family in Mossel Bay, Mossel Bay attracts tourists and makes its money through tourism, if you open up that factory the restaurants and hotels and guesthouses will have to close, since no one wants to stay or eat at a place that stinks of fish. Mosselbay will become a ghost town because of the stench. Not the brightest move. 
  • Job creation to a small number of people will result in job losses in the tourism industry. Restaurants and other retail will die away. Mosselbay will not be an attractive retirement destination any longer and development will seize. Property value will drop and investment in real estate will decline. Stop this Gupta style of capture of our town because a selected few will benefit.  
  •  I am a resident living within the immediate vicinity of the proposed project. As in Saldanha and Hout Bay, the fishmeal processing plant will not be able to contain the odours and effluent, resulting in unpleasant smells in the residential and business areas adjacent to the harbour. This will have a negative impact on tourism, business and residents.

This application by Afro Fishing (Pty) Ltd, the owner of the canning factory in the Mossel Bay harbour, to establish a fish meal factory on the old I&J premises, comes in the wake of an appeal by the notorious Southern Cape Fish Meal plant in Mossdustria against the decision of the Garden Route District Municipality NOT to renew its Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL).

Fish meal plant in Mossdustria

Southern Cape Fish Meal's application for the renewal of their AEL on 15 December 2017 was initially refused by the Eden District Municipality on 17 April 2018, following serious complaints and concerns from residents in Mossdustria, Dana Bay and Aalwyndal regarding the unbearable stench that plagued their health and living conditions. 

The Mossel Bay Municipality was also against the renewal of the licence due to the negative impact that SCFM has on investment and economic growth in Mossdustria and the greater Mossel Bay area. Furthermore, SCFM does not comply with the Mossel Bay By-Law on the discharge of industrial effluent.

Following SCFM's appeal, the EDM has now requested additional information that is now being distributed to the registered Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) for comment before 11 April 2019 as part of an ongoing public participation process.

Note that the public participation process only applies to already registered interested parties of the previous advertisement regarding the AEL renewal.

The additional information is available on the website of the environmental assessment practitioner, Pieter Badenhorst Professional Services at

Comments may be emailed before 17:00 on 11 April to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Mische Molife
Environmental Assessment Practitioner
Pieter Badenhorst Professional Services
P. O. Box 1058
Please feel free to browse the document section of this website and download files as part of our Public Participation programme.
* This latest development comes after a short-lived victory for the complainants. 

On 26 April 2018 it was reported that the Eden District Municipality chose to uphold the Constitutional right of the community to clean air when it refused to renew the Atmospheric Emission Licence (AEL) for Southern Cape Fish Meal (SCFM) (PTY) LTD, the fish meal factory in Mossdustria.

For residents of Dana Bay, Aalwyndal and Mossdustria - who for years have been continuously complaining of their living conditions being negatively affected by the ongoing foul odour emanating from this plant - the decision comes as a victory.

Public participation
The EDM decision follows a comprehensive public participation process in which none of the Registered Interested and Affected Parties supported the factory's renewal application.

In a letter to the owners of SCFM on 17 April, the Eden District Municipality (EDM) stated that it "must be emphasised that some of the Interested and Affected Parties are representing Ward 11 and the residences of Aalwyndal and Dana Bay."

A significant number of complaints received are related to after-hours operations when the management is not present to oversee critical control parameters.

Furthermore, the EDM found that "the SCFM is not taking all reasonable steps to prevent the emissions of offensive odour as are evidenced by the amount and degree of on-going complaints received by both the district municipality and the Mossel Bay Municipality."

Cease activities
Pending a possible appeal process, the EDM instructed SCFM to cease activities relating to Category 10 Animal Matter Processing by 30 April and that plant decommissioning must be completed by 25 July. The current AEL of SCFM lapsed on 28 February. EDM granted an extension until 30 April.

The Mossel Bay Municipality also did not support the renewal of the licence specifically as SCFM is deemed to have a negative impact on investment and economic growth in Mossdustria and the greater Mossel Bay area. 

In addition, SCFM also does not comply with the Mossel Bay By-Law on the discharge of industrial effluent.


The EDM Air Quality Unit received repeated complaints from residents in Dana Bay, Aalwyndal and business owners in Mossdustria about the offensive odours emanating from SCFM.

Estate agents have in the past stated that the constant foul smell directly and negatively impacts property ownership in these areas, but especially in Mossdustria where the Mossel Bay Municipality incentivises new businesses growth.

 Source: Mossel Bay Advertiser

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0 #1 Debora 2020-07-25 18:16
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Mossel
Bay Harbour; Smelly fish meal factories; Fishy business; Fish meal; Garden Route; Stinky fish meal factories;.

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