Die eerste hofverskyning om borgaansoek van die oud-rugbyspeler Zane Kilian (39) van Springs is Maandag tot eerskomende Vrydag uitgestel omdat die hof in Bishop Lavis glo te "gevaarlik" vir hom is omdat hy nou sommer die sondebok is in die sluipmoord op die Wes-Kaapse gevierde top-speuder lt.kol. Charl Kinnear (52) . . .
Maar WAAR is die EINTLIKE skieter wie se foto's wêreldwyd versprei is waar hy op Vrydag 18 September 2020 doodluiters en helder oordag deur die strate na Kinnear se huis in Bishop Lavis stap en hom koelbloedig in sy motor doodskiet?
Wie het die opdrag vir dié beplande sluipmoord gegee en hoe is dit moontlik dat niemand in Bishop Lavis die jongman herken het nie en hy oënskynlik spoorloos verdwyn het? Hardnekkige gerugte dat die jong "skieter" intussen "uitgehaal" is om te keer dat hy praat, kon nog nie bevestig word nie.
Kinnear is glo meer as vyf keer op kort afstand deur sy motorruit geskiet. Die meeste van die skote was in sy bolyf. Hy is op die toneel dood.
Beeldmateriaal van die jong, lenige skieter in 'n rooi kappietop (hoodie) se bewegings in die tien minute vandat hy na Kinnear se huis begin stap tot waar hy net na 15:00 die sneller trek, is wyd in die media versprei en toon duidelik dat dit allermins die bonkige Zane Kilian (39) van Springs is.
Voorts is daar onomstootlike bewyse dat Kilian in daardie stadium in 'n apteek in Springs was om medisyne vir sy sewejarige seuntjie met spesiale behoeftes, Zayden, te koop en jare laas in die Kaap was.
Terwyl Zane Kilian se familie en vriende toenemend vrees vir sy veiligheid en hy geen kontak met enigeen mag hê nie - nie eens met Zayden wat grootliks van hom as enkelouer afhanklik is nie - is 'n gebedsgroep in die Paarl vir Zane gestig. Die groep het onderneem om Donderdag heeldag te vas en vir Zane se veiligheid te bid.
Zayne se familie vrees hy word nou as sondebok aangehou en verdag gemaak om die korrupte polisielede te beskerm wie se bedrywighede Kinnear al jare lank ondersoek en waarin hy op die punt was om 'n deurbraak te maak.
Bok vir sports: Zane Kilian soos mense hom ken nadat hy 'n kostuumprys losgeslaan het by die jaarlikse Mad Hatters Teepartytjie in Johannesburg wat hy gereeld saam met sy oorlede Ma bygewoon het.
Die enigste "omstandigheidsgetuienis" wat die polisie hoegenaamd teen Zane Kilian het, is dat hy deur middel van eenvoudige selfoontegnologie verskeie mense se selfone gemonitor het namens kliënte in sy skuldinvorderingsbedryf.
As enkelouer van 'n afhanklike kind het Zane boonop eers middel verlede jaar ná die tragiese moord op sy Ma, Heilia Kilian, tydens 'n gewapende rooftog naby Stilbaai begin om skuldinvorderings vir banke en kliënte te doen, asook 'n klein besigheidjie wat ondersoek- en selfoonmonitering vir kliënte landwyd doen. Tydens die polisie se middernagtelike klopjag op sy huis in Springs is geen gesofistikeerde toerusting gevind nie en hulle het net op sy selfoon beslag gelê.
Zane Kilian en sy Ma, Heila, by die Mad Hatters Teepartytjie in Johannesburg in 2017 voor sy tragies vermoor is in 'n gewapende rooftog buite Stilbaai
Die kritieke vrae bly hoekom is selfoonmonitering hoegenaamd nodig om iemand te vermoor as die teiken al dekades lank in dieselfde huis woon en elke dag ná werk huis toe ry? Boonop kan die eenvoudige selfoontegnologie wat Zane gebruik, basies deur enigeen wat hul kinders wil "ping" van die internet afgelaai en gebruik word. Dit is nie die gesofistikeerde tegnologie wat géén forensiese spoor nalaat soos die "Grabber"-tegnologie wat die polisie en regering wettig mag gebruik om onwetende mense se selfone te monitor nie.
"So far, it appears that a sophisticated “grabber” or IMSI-catcher was not used to trace Kinnear or other Anti-Gang Unit (AGU) members’ cellphones. A grabber would not have left a forensic footprint, unlike an LBS track."
Wie weet hoeveel ander mense het óók Kinnear se selfoon gemonitor en sal dit ooit aan die lig kom as Kinnear juis besig was om die grootskaalse korrupsie op hoë vlak in die polisie oop te vlek?
Daar is geen twyfel dat Kinnear juis geteiken is oor onder meer sy ondersoek na die uitreik van onwettige vuurwapenlisensies by Gautengse polisiekantore. Hy was glo op die punt om senior polisielede in verband met die smokkelnetwerk in hegtenis te neem.
In die weke voor sy dood het hy in Springs aan die Oos-Rand gewerk waar hy dossiere, wat verband hou met die senior polisielede se betrokkenheid by die smokkelnetwerk, ondersoek het.
Kinnear het ook Nafiz Modack, een van die vermeende rolspelers in Kaapstad se onderwêreld, ondersoek rakende sy beweerde betrokkenheid by die uitreik van onwettige vuurwapenlisensies by polisiekantore in Gauteng.
Netwerk24 het vroeër berig Modack en twintig ander mense, onder wie vuurwapenhandelaars en polisielede, is reeds in Junie vanjaar in verband daarmee in hegtenis geneem en het op 17 Junie in die landdroshof in Kempton Park verskyn.
Hulle staan tereg op aanklagte van bedrog en regsverydeling en aanklagte wat verband hou met oortredings van die Wet op Vuurwapenbeheer.
Terwyl Kilian nou al langer as twee weke aangehou word op aanklagte van moord, sameswering om moord te pleeg en die onwettige onderskepping van kommunikasie, is die werklike "skieter" en die mense wat die opdrag vir die sluipmoord gegee het, steeds soek . . .
Die saak teen Kilian is tot 9 Oktober uitgestel om 'n ander "veiliger" hof vir sy borgtogaansoek te kry. Sy aansoek gaan na 'n streekhof oorgeplaas word wat eers Vrydag bekend gemaak sal word.
Kilian se regsverteenwoordiger, adv. Eckhardt Roseman, het aangevoer as die speurders wat Kilian so oorhaastig in hegtenis geneem het nie 'n lasbrief gehad het om toegang tot sy selfoonrekords te kry nie, is alle bewysstukke rakende sy inhegtenisneming bowendien nie toelaatbaar in die hof nie.
Staatsaanklaer Greg Wolmarans het hierop geantwoord dat 'n landdroshof nie die plek is om te besluit oor toelaatbaarheid van inligting of nie, en dat hulle 'n aansoek moet indien as hulle toegang soek tot die staat se inligting - wat die staat sal bestudeer en oorweeg.
Heksejag in media
* Intussen blyk dit of die media 'n heksejag op Kilian voer by gebrek aan die opsporing van die ware "skieter", die mense wat die opdrag vir dié sluipmoord gegee het, asook die mense wat die opdrag gegee het dat die polisiebeskerming vir Kinnear maande voor sy dood opgeskort word.
Die flou en verdagte "omstandigheidsgetuienis" teen Kilian wat volgens kennisse en ingeligte bronne nie eens geweet het wie Kinnear of die meeste mense is wie se foonnommers hy bloot moes naspoor nie, berus blykbaar meesal op "wenke" van berugte rolspelers in die Kaapse onderwêreld soos Jerome "Donkie" Booysen wie se bedrywighede juis deur Kinnear ondersoek is.
Booysen het glo vroeër gesê hy is ’n week voor Kinnear se moord deur " ’n kennis in Johannesburg" ingelig dat hy versigtig moet wees en dat sy selfoon deur iemand nagespoor word.
Die bron het hom glo ingelig dat sy selfoonsein “deur ’n Zane Kilian vir iemand uit die Kaap nagespoor word”.
Booysen het glo gesê sy selfoonsein is van 6 Maart tot 18 September vanjaar altesame 193 keer na ’n selfoonmas nagespoor."
Met soveel gesofistikeerde toerusting vryelik tot mense se beskikking om selfone na te spoor sonder om forensiese bewyse agter te laat, is dit uiters vreemd dat 'n enkelpa van Springs met min kennis/ervaring in dié bedryf deur sluipmoordenaars ingespan sou word om Kinnear se foon na te spoor - veral as hulle weet dit kan maklik na hom teruggevoer word . . . tensy hulle hom juis as sondebok of aandagafleier wou "frame" . . . ?
* A phone signal grabber or IMSI-catcher is one of the most powerful devices for conducting surveillance and invading your privacy – legally or illegally. Which is why not just anyone is allowed to possess one. This little beauty can perform loads of magic tricks including cloning your phone, intercepting calls and SMSes, turning your phone into a transmitter and much, much more. By SHAUN SWINGLER.
Last week an Israeli-made cellphone signal grabber, or IMSI-catcher, made headlines after amaBhungane published an investigation into Willie Lotter and Joseph Pooe, who were arrested by the Hawks for the alleged illegal possession of an IMSI-catcher.
The implications of this device are enormous. In the wrong hands, it can be used to eliminate political rivals, curb a free press by targeting investigative journalists, and in the case of Lotter and Pooe, allegedly help bug members of the Airports Company of South Africa’s bid adjudication committee which makes decision on contracts worth hundreds of millions of rand, according to The Star.
What is even more frightening is that in recent years, IMSI-catcher technology – which was previously only within the grasp of governments – is now accessible to hackers and researchers who have been able to successfully build their own grabbing devices.
Most recently, a research team from Helsinki and Berlin were able to build an IMSI-catcher device that works on newer 4G/LTE networks (more advanced even than the Engage PI2’s capabilities) and is able to precisely pinpoint a cellphone’s location based on the signals it transmits when using apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook, with no knowledge from the owner of the phone that tracking is taking place.
But what exactly is the device, and what can it do?
IMSI-catchers, or grabbers, have been around since 1996, with German and Israeli companies pioneering the early technologies. The first publicly known IMSI-catcher was made by German electronics manufacturer Rohde & Schwarz. Subsequent manufacturers have marketed the devices as “anti-terror equipment” with many law enforcement and intelligence agencies across the world making use of the devices – most notably and controversially perhaps is the use of the Stingray phone tracker by US police.
Thanks to our friends from the amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism, Daily Maverick is in possession of a user manual for the Verint Engage GI2, a grabber which functions very similarly to the Engage PI2 device confiscated from Lotter and Pooe by the Hawks. (See main photo)
Simply, the device works as a cellphone tapper, tracker and locator. It does this by masquerading as a cellphone tower and forcing nearby handsets to connect to it. Once a handset has connected, the device can identify the target handset’s international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) number and use the number to track the phone’s movements, pinpoint its location, intercept its calls, or eavesdrop on conversations occurring around the phone.
This is all done covertly, and the data collected is analysed in real time by the device. Some grabbers, such the Engage PI2 and GI2, have sim cards that allow them to reroute the captured calls to third parties.
The device comes in either a trolley case or attache-style case, and is controlled by a laptop computer. Most often the device is operated from a vehicle to allow it to get closer to target handsets – in the case of Lotter and Pooe, the unit was installed in a Mercedes Viano.
The device falls under a special category of equipment in South Africa designated for the interests of national security and can therefore only be bought with presidential authority, and is said to be worth more than R25-million.
The Engage GI2 has a number of features:
GSM Call Routing: The unit allows the user to route a target phone’s call through the device and into the real GSM network, effectively acting as an invisible “man in the middle” who is able to eavesdrop on the target’s conversation.
Cloning: The device allows the user to clone a target’s phone and make/receive calls and text messages that will appear as if they are coming from the target’s number.
SMS: The device allows the user to simulate a cell network, forcing phones over a large area to connect to the device. Once connected, the device is able to capture all text messages sent over that period.
Silent call: This function initiates a call to the target phone, turning the phone’s transmitter into a location tracking beacon. While a silent call is active, the target phone is disconnected from the real network, shifted to an unused channel and cannot make or receive any calls. While a silent call is active, the phone appears to be in standby mode and can be used as a tracking device to determine the target’s movements.
Eavesdropper: The device allows the user to listen and record audio from the target phone’s handset. As described in the manual, “This functionality turns a target’s own mobile phone against the target by turning it into a ‘bug’. The voice from the target’s mobile is being recorded from the time the mobile starts ringing. The voice will continue to be recorded after the target hangs up.”
The device enables its operator to identify potential and known targets and build an intelligence picture in an area of operation. It also can help identify a potential target – it records all calls and SMSes and enables operators to listen to any call that appear relevant. The operator can choose to focus the operation on the targets for ongoing monitoring.
It can build an intelligence picture of a known target by intercepting target’s traffic according to predefined cellular identifiers, key words and voiceprints.
“The real scandal here is not around this particular grabber,” says Murray Hunter, spokesperson for the Right2Know Campaign, “but rather that the state has its own such devices. We don’t know how many, we don’t know how they’re used, but what we do know is that the use of these devices is almost certainly illegal in terms of RICA.
“A judge has to sign a warrant before the state can intercept someone’s phone information,” he continues, “and a grabber is a mass surveillance device so when you turn it on you’re immediately intercepting 10,000 signals and you’re tapping the phone of everyone in that radius.”
In September last year, Right2Know submitted a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) request to SAPS and SSA for evidence that they were given warrants to use these surveillance services, but all PAIA requests were denied.
All’s not lost, however. There are some steps that can be taken to prevent the government (or anyone else) from snooping on you with one of these devices. Various smartphone apps are now available which can minimise the risk of your signals being intercepted. One is the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector which alerts you if an IMSI-catcher attempts to connect to your phone and then blocks the signal. Another is SnoopSnitch which operates in a similar way.
Some may not be concerned about this device and its capabilities because they may think they have “nothing to hide”, but that fundamentally misses the point. These capabilities in the wrong hands fundamentally violate our constitutional right to privacy of communications, and as Edward Snowden said, “Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
“The next step for the public is not just about seeing the prosecution of a few shady characters,” Murray Hunter says, “but really pushing government to come clean on how it uses surveillance and how it created the situation in which these men can be caught with an imported grabber in the boot of their car.” DM
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