Wolwedans Game Farm Beach House Restaurant Reflexions Professional Hair Oyster World Ponto Grille and Carvery Property Pointer Top Up Service Station Skorpios Security Delfinos.Passion for food-Passion for life


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Rock-planted in Mossel Bay’s most prime spot above the famous “Blougat-sloep” with sweeping views of the iconic St Blaize Lighthouse and bat cave towering over vistas of infinite blue waters, the building that now houses Ponto Grille & Carvery conjures up fond memories and a fountain of childhood tales and toils from old-time residents.

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A zillion tides’ waters have flushed and flooded Blougat-sloep since the original thatch roof building – the popular Poort Café and Tearoom – was the hub of social gatherings and welcome refreshments at The Point in the early 1960’s. Many old-timers still remember the welcome shade, milkshakes, ice-cream and famous tea and scones they enjoyed there after a day of fun in the sun.

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Today, the Ponto Grille & Carvery is an airy, spacious and elegant diner with a separate bar and outdoor areas boasting the same breathtaking allround-views and close proximity to the ever so popular gully and cave.

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Renowned for its delectable and affordable daily buffet meals from fresh produce, the restaurant caters for a versatile local and international market – from healthy bar breakfasts, burgers and kiddies meals to scrumptious A la Carte seafood and steak cuisine.

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Thanks to its superb location and spacious interior where up to 150 guests can comfortably be seated , it is also a popular events venue and many a celeb or happy bride regularly grace the floor at lavish functions.

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Photos: Sewende Laan actresses Bertha Wahl and Annelisa Weiland are among the many celebs who regularly perform or act as guest speakers at special functions at the Ponto Grille & Carvery at The Point.

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The friendly staff goes out of their way to welcome regular patrons and visitors with typical Mossel Bay hospitality and no birthday party is complete without an enthusiastic song and dance performance by the Ponto group!

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The daily Buffet meals from 11:00 – 15:00 and from 18:00 – 22:00 are very popular and offer a wide choice of superb dishes at reasonable prices. There are also daily specials and a Pensioner’s Lunch Buffet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
pont5 16The daily Lunch Buffet includes:

Starter: Soup and bread. Main meal: A selection of 8 salads, fish, beef, chicken, roast potatoes, rice, five vegetables and a vegetarian dish. Dessert: Baked pudding and custard, Mousse (chocolate/vanilla/strawberry) and trifle) @ R89

Evening Buffet (18:00 – 22:00):

All the above plus gammon, beef and carvery @ R130.
On Sundays, the lunch and evening buffets are swapped around so that the additional gammon, beef and carvery form part of the Sunday lunch.

Daily Specials (18:00 – 22:00)

Mondays: Burger night. Buy one, get one free (beef/chicken/vegetarian) plus a choice of veggies/chips/rice/salad.

Tuesdays: Curry Buffet

Wednesdays: Seafood Special

Thursdays: Spouse on the House Steak: Buy 300g rump steak, get 200g sirloin free; Curry Buffet.

Fridays: Buffet PLUS Spare Ribs

ponto11 17The huge bar area also boasts an outdoor section with spectacular views of Seal Island and the coastline towards Little Brak River.

The building changed hands, features and names many times before its current status. In the 1990’s it used to be a Saddles Restaurant before it became The Dros . . . but no matter how often the owners and enterprises change, the venue with its superb vistas of nature supreme remains as awe-inspiring and steadfast as the rocks that sculptured it.

P.S. Social media has many pro’s and cons, but one of the great advantages is the immediate and spontaneous response of users on topics close to their heart. A question to members of the FB group Growing up in Mossel Bay about the history of the building that now houses Ponto Grille & Carvery produced the following insightful responses. We publish it for the interest of all “inkommers” as only the old-timers can tell it as it is:

Ronny Meyer Het dit leer ken as die Poort restaurant. Voor die Minnies het dit aan Atos Charelambous(verskoon die spelling) behoort. Het altyd in die vroeë 60’s saam met my Pa daar gaan milkshake drink, dit was egter voor Atos se tyd


Stephen Fouche Ek onthou nog die groot marlyn wat daar gehang het,wat deur ‘n ene Wheeler gevang was hier in Mosselbaai…

Ronny Meyer Stephen Fouche ja, Jackie Wheeler

Managet as kind leer ken as Poort, laat 50’s

Anna Nel Vd Westhuizen Ek weet ou oom Du toit en sy seuns Chris en nog n seun het dit in 1969 tot in die begin begin 70 tigs gehad

Gerhard van Rhyn Dit was in die middel tagtigs steeds die Poort Restaurant. Daarna het ek bietjie tred verloor met die veranderinge.

Lilly du Toit Ons het in die 80 s hier gekom toe was dit nog die Poort Restaurant

Susan Vermaak Ons het 1984 daar geeet met ons eerste vakansie hier toe was Big blue,’n Mike’s kithchen

Stephen Fouche Dis reg oom Du Toit het die restaurant gerun in die laat 70’s want ek onthou as kind hoe ons altyd milkshakes daar gaan drink het.

Leon Schoeman Ek het dit altyd geken as die Poort Kafee in die 50s tot die mid 60s toe verhuis het. Dit sluit in die oorspronklike Kafee wat bo die kleedkamers was. Die boonste Poort Kafee was deur die Blacks bestuur.

Denise Lloyd In 1981 toe ons Mbaai toe gekom het, was dit die Poort-kafee en het ons ‘n groot seafood platter vir R7,95 geeet – en dit het ‘n kreef ingesluit.
‘n Afgietsel van ‘n marlyn, wat Jackie Wheeler (ek dink dit was sy naam) in 1966 (nie tè seker van datum nie) in die waters rondom die Punt gevang het, was daar te sien.

Denise Lloyd En ons het Oujaarsdagaande op die sementblok agter die restaurant (aan see se kant) gedans.

Leon Schoeman Ek dink die marlyn was in 1957 gevang. Dit was van die begin af in die ‘nuwe’ Poort kafee wat in die vroee 60s gebou is. Ek het in 65 van MB verhuis.

Chuki Williams Leon Schoeman Ja Leon. Dis wat ek onthou. Was in die 50’s gebore in Mbaai en groot geword met die PoortKafee wat aan die Blacks behoort het. Twee dames (susters) – en ek dink hulle het hulle oorsrpong in Oudtshoorn gehad. Praat nou onder korreksie!

Leon Schoeman Die Blacks was ‘n getroude partjie met 2 seuns – Malcolm wat gehakkel het en sy jonger broer wie se bynaam Porky was.

Leon Schoeman Die hotel dateer uit die 80s dink ek. Dit is nie so oud nie, en die kafee langsaan uit die vroe 60s

Sylvia Ekstrom Hi Elsa Wessels as jy op die blad kyk gaan jy ‘n photo van die oorspronklike restaurant kry. Die geboue wat nou daar staan glad nie histories nie.

Daniel Wiggill Carina Wiggill will know.
Hotel was built in the 90s .
Big blue is on listed buildings if memory serves correct

Sylvia Ekstrom I think the first owners were Miss Black and Miss Fish. Maria and Athos Charalambous also owned it for a few year.

Joan Barnard I remember that my sister Marion used to bop till she dropped where Tidals is .

Sylvia Ekstrom Here is a photo for you Joan BarnardManage


Carina Wiggill For a summer also danced (1960?)where Big blue now is – that after the thatch tearoom below had burnt.

Justin Hewitt Interesting, not a single man holding a drink

Sylvia Ekstrom Here is the foto of the first The Poort, Elsa Wessels


Pamela Taylor Dit het in die laat 40’s of vroeg 50’s weggespoel toe die see baie hoog en rof was. Freak wave knocked it flat

Joan Barnard Wow that must have been many moons ago!!

Leyann Nel In 1994 was daar ‘n Saddles ek’t daar gewaiter en toe raak dit Dros. Daai roomys kafee was toe al daar.

Andre Spike Scriven WOW

Domineque Morgan Saddles toe ek klein was.

Marietjie Coetzee Agter by poort was daar altyd gedans ook

Joan Zietsman 1994??nie langer gelede nie?

Johnnie Reitz Toe ons in 1956 in MBaai geland het, het die oorspronklike Poort kafee nog bestaan. Was altyd onder druk gedurende springgety. Later beskadig. Bestaande gebou omtrent 1958 gebou. Ons het seisoentyd gedans waar ou gebou gestaan het. JUKEBOX musiek. 1960 += is die sementblad as dansplek gebruik. Toe was ek jonk, nou is ek amper oud. Hierdie media is briljant


Sylvia Ekstrom This is what it looked like before the reconstruction of the existing building



Leon Schoeman Dit was in die 60s. ‘n kafee en restaurant met ‘n jukebox.


Sylvia Ekstrom Before hotel was built



Sylvia EkstromConstruction of New building as it is now. Hotel also visible



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