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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Top South African municipal managers can now earn more than the president

The limits – which take retroactive effect from 1 July 2018 – are based on a strategic framework for remuneration of senior managers across all municipalities, the document states.

It added that the framework takes into account ‘core reward principles’ and is aimed at ensuring that the remuneration of senior managers is ‘cost-effective, consistent, internally balanced (equitable) and externally competitive’.

Based on this, the framework allocates points to municipalities based on the total municipal income, total population sizes, and equitable share of individual municipalities.

The total number of points allocated to a municipality are then categorised on a scale from one to ten, which determines remuneration levels.

This is further split across a ‘minimum’, ‘midpoint’ and ‘maximum’ level based on the background, tenure and capabilities of individual managers (among other factors).

The upper limits of the annual total remuneration packages payable to municipal managers are as follows:

While the remuneration amounts are based on a wide number of factors, the new limits show that it is possible for municipal managers to effectively earn more than South African President Cyril Ramaphosa.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to earn a salary of R3.6 million in 2018 – easily making him one of the best-paid leaders in the world.

However, it should also be noted that Ramaphosa will donate half of this salary to a new fund that will be managed by the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Top-level managers

The Gazette also sets out the upper remuneration limits for top-level managers who report to municipal managers.

The upper limits of the annual total remuneration packages payable to managers directly accountable to municipal managers are as follows:

Disappointing figures

The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) said it was ‘disappointed’ about the new upper limits.

“As Gazetted on the 8 November 2018, city managers are set to receive an annual salary of R3.9 million while those reporting directly to municipal managers will be receiving over R3 million annually,” it said.

“These increases happen when municipal workers are heavily underpaid, when municipal workers demand a fairer salary increment they are told that their demands are simply unaffordable whereas those sitting in air-conditioned offices are swimming in pools of money, those who are subjected to rain, wind and sun daily are given peanuts.”

It added that these increases were Gazetted in the same week that Extended Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers’ salaries were increased by a mere R4.31 per day.

“It does not make sense how a Municipal Manager can be remunerated 180 times more than the least paid employee in the sector. These are the people who are responsible for the real business of service delivery,” it said.

“It is for this reason that SAMWU will be intensifying its campaign for the absorption of all EPWP workers by municipalities on a permanent basis. EPWP participants are delivering a municipal service and as such they should be absorbed by municipalities.

“We maintain that the ridiculous and highly inflated salaries given to Municipal Managers should be redirected towards service delivery and for better remunerating municipal workers.”

You can find the full framework detailed below:

COGTA Gazette 42023 November 2018 by BusinessTech on Scribd

 Also read:


24 November 2016

MOSSEL BAY NEWS - Advocate Thys Giliomee was appointed as Municipal Manager of Mossel Bay with effect from 1 December 2016, the Executive Mayor, Alderman Harry Levendal, announced at the monthly meeting of the Mossel Bay Town Council today, 24 November.

From left: Director of Planning and Integrated Services Carel Venter, Councillor Cliffie Bayman, Deputy Executive Mayor Cllr Dirk Kotzé, Executive Mayor Alderman Harry Levendal with the newly appointed municipal manager, Adv Thys Giliomee.

“I am delighted that we have been able to find a person of the calibre and experience of Adv Giliomee and we look forward to working with him during our term of office to take Mossel Bay forward in the best interests of all our citizens.

“The Municipality has established itself as one of South Africa’s leading municipalities over the past number of years and I am sure that Adv Giliomee will continue to build on the foundations that he will inherit,“ said Alderman Levendal.

Adv Giliomee (53) holds a B Econ as well as an Honours degree in Public Administration from the University of Stellenbosch and a B Com Honours in Economics, a B Proc, an LL M and a Certificate in Labour Relations (Cum Laude), all from the University of South Africa. He was admitted as an advocate of the High Court of South Africa in April 2005.

His career in local government started in December 1988 with the Cape Metropolitan Council in Stellenbosch. He subsequently worked at the Oostenberg Municipality, the City of Tygerberg and the City of Cape Town. Following a number of years in the private sector, mainly as the owner of his own labour relations consultancy, he had a spell with Bitou Municipality in 2012, first as Acting Chief Financial Officer and then as Acting Municipal Manager.

On 1 August 2012 he became the Chief Executive Officer of the Western Cape Liquor Authority on a fixed-term contract until 31 October 2015. He joined the Office of the Premier of the Western Cape on a fixed-term contract as a part-time consultant on strategic programmes on 1 November 2015, while at the same time practicing as a private labour specialist.

The position of Municipal Manager became vacant in May 2016 when Dr Michele Gratz resigned as Municipal Manager. Mr Harry Hill was appointed as Acting Municipal Manager when Dr Gratz resigned.

Icosa councillor Dawid Kamfer, as well as councillors from the ANC and ACDP, however, indicated during the council meeting that the appointment did not necessarily meet with their approval. ANC councillor Jovan Bruinders said Adv Giliomee was in fact deployed by the DA, and not appointed by the full council of Mossel Bay.
Councillor Kamfer also asked that the credentials of the new municipal manager, as well as the personnel agency involved, be investigated.

Retired Alderlady Marie Ferreira and ex-councillor Emil Scheepers attended the council meeting specifically for the announcement of the new municipal manager.
                                                       Adv Thys Giliomee
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Terwyl politieke imenging en magspeletjies toenemend 'n probleem word by munisipaliteite, en inwoners al hoe meer kla hulle word uitgebuit en soos "stout kinders" behandel as hul durf vrae vra of kla, het die minister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake nou ingegryp om seker te maak diégene in hoë munisipale poste is wel gekwalifiseerd en bevoeg vir die werk waarvoor hulle sulke hoë salarisse verdien.

“Politieke inmenging en geskille wat munisipaliteite landwyd verlam, kry aandag.”

DrZweliMkhize large

Dié aankondiging deur dr. Zweli Mkhize (foto) op 'n tweedaagse beraad oor munisipale bestuur wat in Bloemfontein gehou is, kom te midde van groeiende misnoeë en klagtes van ontevrede belastingbetalers landwyd dat hul geld deur onbevoegde mense in munisipale leiersposisies gemors word wat om politieke oorwegings en nie op grond van hul kundigheid, ervaring en bevoegdheid aangestel is nie.

Ook in die Wes-Kaap is daar groot ontevredenheid onder inwoners van alle dorpe oor die politieke magspeletjies in plaaslike owerhede en die onbekostigbare tariefverhogings vir basiese dienste, terwyl hul klagtes oor foutiewe rekeninge en ander probleme op dowe ore val. Inwoners pleit toenemend vir 'n verkiesingstelsel wat voorsiening maak daarvoor dat inwoners individue kan aanstel in munisipale leiersposisies op grond van hul kundigheid en ervaring ongeag van hul politieke affiliasies - die beste persoon vir die werk en basta die politiek! 

Munisipale hoës se kwalifikasies bekyk

Deur Marietjie Gericke 06 November 2018 21:05

Ondersoek gaan ingestel word na die kwalifikasies van munisipale, finansiële en tegniese bestuurders in die land. Dié wat nie oor die regte kwalifikasies beskik nie, sal ontslaan word.

Só het dr. Zweli Mkhize, minister van samewerkende regering en tradisionele sake, Dinsdag op ’n tweedaagse beraad oor munisipale bestuur in die Vrystaat in Bloemfontein gesê.

“Die regte mense met die regte vaardighede en kwalifikasies moet in munisipaliteite aangestel word.”
Hy sê ’n klousule in munisipale bestuurders se kontrakte wat bepaal dat hulle ontslaan kan word as hul ouditbevindings ongunstig is, word oorweeg.

“Die nuwe wetsontwerp wat by pres. Cyril Ramaphosa lê om geteken te word wat bepaal dat munisipale bestuurders voortaan persoonlik aanspreeklik gehou sal word vir onreëlmatige uitgawes, word verwelkom,” sê hy.

Odwa Duda van die ouditeur-generaal se kantoor sê Vrystaatse munisipaliteite die onreëlmatige uitgawes beloop R2,5 miljard.
Mkhize sê dit is te betwyfel of buitelandse beleggers in wanfunksionele munisipaliteite sal wil belê waarvan die stabiliteit en volhoubaarheid bevraagteken word. Munisipale gebiede wat vuil is, skrik buitelandse beleggers ook af.

Elf munisipaliteite in die land wat onder administrasie is, word deur die regering ondersteun sodat hulle weer op eie bene kan staan, sê Mkhize.
In die Vrystaat is dit munisipaliteite soos Masilonyana (Theunissen), Mafube (Frankfort) en Maluti-A-Phofung (Harrismith en Qwaqwa).
Mkhize sê grootskaalse beplanning sal gedoen moet word vir 2030, wanneer 70% van alle mense in Suid-Afrika verstedelik sal wees.
Grond sal geïdentifiseer moet word vir behuisingsprojekte in stede, dalk hoë verdiepinggeboue, en voldoende munisipale infrastruktuur vir die grootskaalse instroming sal geskep moet word.

Terselfdertyd sal nywerheids- en mynbou-ontwikkelings op die platteland onderneem moet word om klein dorpe waarheen mense van landelike gebiede gaan verhuis volhoubaar te maak.

“Daar moet vir geïntegreerde-ontwikkelingsprojekte in stede en dorpe voorsiening gemaak word wat die heersende apartheidsontwikkeling ongedaan sal maak.”

Mkhize sê op sy besoek in Junie aan die Vrystaat is nege munisipaliteite waar ingegryp moes word, geïdentifiseer, asook die Mangaung-metro. Hy werk nou saam met Oupa Khoabane, Vrystaatse LUR vir samewerkende regering, om die munisipaliteite reg te ruk.

 “Politieke inmenging en geskille wat munisipaliteite landwyd verlam, kry aandag.”

Hy het ook verwys na die moord op 30 raadslede en munisipale amptenare in KwaZulu-Natal.

Gevegte oor tenders wat oor korrupsie en gierigheid gaan, kan die langer geduld word nie, sê hy.

Kommer bestaan ook omdat sommige munisipaliteite nie hul toelaes vir munisipale infrastruktuur bestee en nuwe infrastruktuur bou nie.
Van die redes is dat munisipaliteite nie die vermoë het om die geld te bestuur en groot infrastruktuurprojekte kan hanteer nie.

“Daarom is 80 ingenieurs en stadsbeplanners na van die sukkelende munisipaliteite gestuur.”
Nog ingenieursposte is geadverteer.
Die departement is voorts besig om ’n invorderingsplan bekend te stel wat munisipaliteite sal help met die invordering van diensgeld.
Mkhize sê die kultuur van wanbetaling moet ernstig aandag kry omdat Vrystaatse inwoners, sakeondernemings en staatsinstellings munisipaliteite R15,6 miljard skuld.

Wat sê die mense? 

'n Blote kykie na die woedende kommentare oor munisipale aangeleenthede op sosialemediagroepe toon duidelik dat  Wes-Kapenaars ewe keelvol as hul landgenote elders is vir ondeursigtige, partydige en outokratiese munisipale bestuurstyle en besluite waaroor hulle, as belastingbetalers, weinig of geen inspraak het nie.


Die aanstel van onbevoegde kontrakteurs en konsultante wat miljoene rande kos vir werk wat munisipale amptenare veronderstel is om te (kan) doen, laat ook al hoe meer die wenkbroue lig. Belastingbetalers en sakelui voel hulle word tot op die been gemelk, terwyl dienste en hul inspraak in belangrike besluite al hoe swakker en minder raak.

Die onlangse swak hantering van die Kaapse waterkrisis waarvoor inwoners nie alleen aan drakoniese beperkings onderwerp is nie, maar boonop beboet is omdat hulle water spaar, was vir baie Kapenaars die laaste spyker in die doodskis. Daarby het die politieke binnegevegte en magspeletjies die meeste landsburgers hul vertroue in politici in die algemeen, en die heersende politieke partye in die land, heeltemal laat verloor.


In Mosselbaai is daar ook groot kommer en ongelukkigheid oor gebrekkige en ondeursigtige kommunikasie oor belangrike sake wat die dorp in sy geheel raak.

Die onlangse aankondiging deur Memory Booysen, burgemeester van die Garden Route distriksmunisipaliteit, dat Mosselbaai die ekonomiese nywerheidsgroeipunt van die Tuinroete gaan word en in die voetspore van hawedorpe soos Saldanhabaai, Kouga en Richardsbaai gaan volg, laat ook vrese ontstaan. Booysen het dié aankondiging tydens 'n sooispit-seremonie gedoen om 'n nuwe "wêreldgehalte chemiese aanleg van R1 miljard" langs die bankrot en beleërde PetroSA in te wy.

Wil wet "gebruik om proses te bespoedig" 

Hy het ook genoem dat die wet dié keer "gebruik gaan word om die proses te bespoedig". Dié aanleg sal glo werk aan minstens 3 000 mense oor die volgende vyf jaar verskaf, maar geen besonderhede is nog bekend gemaak oor watter chemikalieë en prosesse ter sprake is en wat die impak daarvan op inwoners en naasliggende woonbuurtes sal wees nie. Die aankondiging is ook gemaak sonder dat daar enige openbare deelnameprosesse was. 

Burokratiese magspeletjies van munisipale kant wat hul gesag en pligte ondermyn, het ook verlede week daartoe gelei dat al vyf senior direksielede van Mosselbaai Toerisme wat die private sektor verteenwoordig, insluitendie die voorsitter en onder-voorsitter van die direksie, eenparig besluit het om hulle nie weer verkiesbaar te stel nie.


Dit het gevolg ná maandelange interne struwelinge en onaangenaamheid wat die situasie later so onhoudbaar gemaak het dat die vyf direksielede besluit het om in 'n gesamentlike protesaksie hul aankondiging in die openbaar op die laaste Algemene Jaarvergadering te doen.

Dit het skokgolwe deur die gemeenskap gestuur, omdat die oorblywende lede weinig ervaring in dié bedryf het en die toerismehoof, sowel as die munisipale bestuurder, albei van buite kom en betreklik onlangs eers in hul huidige poste aangestel is vergeleke met die dekades lange ervaring van die uittredende direksielede.  http://www.mosselbayontheline.co.za/index.php/news/breaking-news/168-mosselbaai-toerisme-vyf-direkteure-loop-oor-burokrasie?  

Party-politiek in raadsbesluite

Hoewel politiek glo nie in munisipale bestuur hoort nie, speel die meerderheidstem van DA-raadslede toenemend 'n bepalende rol in belangrike raadsbesluite - wat nie altyd in die gemeenskap se belang is nie.

Oorbelaste belastingbetalers kla ook toenemend oor die buitensporige salarisse en voordele wat munisipale amptenare deesdae verdien, wat veroorsaak dat hulle  heeltemal uit voeling is met die swak salarisse en omstandighede van die gewone, werkende man op straat - veral op 'n kusdorp soos Mosselbaai waar werk skaars en dikwels seisoenaal is.

Die salarisse en voordele van Mosselbaai se munisipale amptenare

Munisipale salarisse

Hulp aan pensioenarisse geweier 

Die hemelhoë munisipale tariewe vir basiese dienslewering veroorsaak dat veral pensioenarisse noustrop trek en vrees dat hulle hul huise sal moet verkoop om finansieel te oorleef.

'n Mosie deur Jeanette Gouws van die ACDP wat deur ander opposisiepartye ondersteun is om pensioenarisse tegemoet te kom met afslagtariewe en verhoogde subsidies vir basiese munisipale diensleweringstariewe in ooreenstemming met wat dit voor die verhogings was, is deur die DA afgekeur. Gouws het die DA se argument dat tariewe nie in 'n finansiële jaar verlaag kan word nie, verwerp en verwys na die graf- en begraafplaastariewe wat in Julie vanjaar drasties verlaag is nadat opposisiepartye dit sterk veroordeel het. Die tariefverhogings word sedertdien deur die munisipaliteit gesubsidieer.

Gouws het ook verwys na die verhoging in vullisverwyderingstariewe vir inwoners wat in meenthuiskomplekse woon. Hulle betaal nou meer as dubbel sedert elke individu ook 'n aparte diensfooi moet betaal, hoewel al die rommel na 'n sentrale afhaalpunt geneem word. 

Gouws het gesê dié individuele fooi is strydig met munisipale verordenings wat bepaal dat die bedrae wat individue vir dienslewering betaal, proporsioneel in verhouding moet wees met die verbruik van die diens, en dit is bykomend tot die 15% prysverhoging vir alle inwoners. Lees die volledige verklaring hier:




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  “I would say that people should pay very special attention to what is going on in politics because it affects everything. People should also take the power that they have in their votes and use it to hold politicians to account.”

These prophetic words of the DA's MP for Mossel Bay Johan Jaco Londt to South Africans on the People’s Assembly website have become more applicable than ever in local government where residents and ratepayers have become helpless victims who have to foot the bill for party politics and deadly power struggles that bleed them dry and  voiceless.

The gunning down of Knysna's ANC ward 8 councillor Victor Molosi in July - believed to be a political hit - accentuated the gravity of the  political arena in the Western and Southern Cape where the power struggle between the DA, ANC and EFF are due to intensify dramatically in the run-up towards next year's national and provincial elections.     

Meanwhile, most citizens in the country have become so disillusioned with politics, corruption and crime that they seek to escape from it all by either emigrating or seeking solace in remote places and self-sustainable eco-villages where they can live independently off the grid . . . 

Mossel Bay is regarded as one of the last "outposts" in the country where good governance and exquisite nature have remained intact despite the mayhem, corruption and destruction in many towns elsewhere. However, Mossel Bay is not isolated and immune to the political winds of change . . .  and therefore ordinary citizens and residents need to heed the above advice and start paying attention to what is happening in local government politics and how it affects them.

             Things can change overnight, as many a beautiful town has learned the hard way. 

It is residents who make or break a town and taxpayers' money that pays for either the upliftment or destruction thereof.

Very few people have time to attend municipal meetings or to follow council decisions and thus they are totally ignorant of serious changes that might affect their lives - for better or worse - until it is too late.

In today's turbulent political times it is crucial that people stay informed, stand up and speak up for what is right and in the interest of their town . . . the power lies with the people and NOT with the politicians.

WHEN did people forget that?     

As Mosselbayontheline is a totally Independent and Non-political media-platform FOR the community BY the community, we would like to keep you informed of serious matters and also help to play watch dog. 


The underneath issues raised by the ACDP in recent council meetings are important to all:  

ACDP Councillor Jeanette Gouws 

31 AUGUST 2018


ACDP-councillor Jeanette Gouws in Tuesday's council meeting rejected a change to the municipality's micro-organogram to create another post in the Municipal Manager's office, asking why a new post is being specifically created when the existing structure could just be streamlined to be more effective.

Consultants were appointed at great cost to construct an organogram and did not see any need for an additional post in the office of the Municipal Manager. Why then did we spend so much money on a consultancy, just to ignore their recommendations?


 The proposed changes to the micro-organogram entail that a new post for a principle clerk be created to liase between the internal auditors and the municipality. A further two posts will be amalgamated into one; that of Risk Management and Compliance and Institutional Performance Management and SDBIP.

Gouws questioned the cost-effectivity and necessity of such a change. She said in a media statement the additional position to be created is unnecessary "as the Internal Audit Committee and the Financial Department of the municipality are surely capable of liasing directly with each other with regards to recommendations or concerns."

"The change will also not constitute a saving, as the effect of amalgamating two posts is negated by the creation of a new post for a principle clerk. By amalgamating two posts, the question needs to be asked if one person will be burdened with two positions' work or are the two original positions actually not necessary?" she asked.

"Consultants were appointed at great cost to construct an organogram and did not see any need for an additional post in the office of the Municipal Manager. Why then did we spend so much money on a consultancy, just to ignore their recommendations?" she asked. 

In the world of finance it is good practise to manage a company`s salary bill so that it does not exceed 30% of the operating expenditure of the company. Although MBM salary bill is projected to be 29.6% of the operating expenditure this does not include hidden costs to ratepayers.

These hidden costs come in the form of consultant fees of 13 MILLION Rand and outsourced services of 45 MILLION Rand. 

This is in addition to the salary bill of 293 MILLION Rand.





31 AUGUST 2018









The ACDP appreciates the fact that the Mossel Bay Municipality finally established a Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) to oversee all municipal and local government matters. However, the party is disappointed that the committee will only have representatives from two parties (ANC and DA) which is contrary to Section 160 Part 8(a) of the Constitution and therefore the ACDP cannot be part of the commitee.

The ACDP, along with other opposition parties in council have been arguing for the establishment of an MPAC rather than the Oversight Committee which was tasked with performing oversight over the DA governed municipality.

The MPAC committee is supposed to have a wider term of reference, a framework, with regard to keeping the administration and political government accountable and transparent. The Mossel Bay municipality was one of a very few municipalities that only had an Oversight Committee, this despite the encouragement of the Western Cape Government and SALGA that an MPAC be established.

It is however most unfortunate that the DA seem to be unaware of the full function and the aim of such a committee. Only two parties will form part of the committee of seven members. This is such a pity as the role of the committee is to act as a watchdog over all matters of the municipality and the government of the leading political party.

In a council where five political parties have representation this is in effect frustrating full oversight of the decision of several thousand voters in the Mossel Bay district who trusted specific parties' representatives to ensure clean governance is upheld.

This is contrary to Section 160 part 8 (a) which states that members of a municipal council are entitled to participate in it`s proceedings and committees in a manner that allows parties reflected within the Council to be fairly represented.

This also defeats the true meaning of democracy which in essence was meant to be “the many” shall govern as opposed to the common belief that “the majority” shall govern. This is particularly the idea central to the establishment and the working of an MPAC.
The aim of an MPAC is not to align the committee according to proportional representation, but to rather draw in all parties in an effective and cooperative oversight role where all parties work together. During the ACDP councillors tenure as the Chairperson of the Oversight Committee she continuously stressed this cooperative attitude and reminded councillors that no one of the members were opposition to each other in such committees.

The idea of such committees is that representatives from all represented parties reach consensus on matters discussed. The DA has however arranged the committee giving themselves a majority of representation.

This shows the true intent of the DA and is indicative of a premeditated intention to force a vote on issues which should only be decided on conscience and whether a matter is right or wrong. 

The ACDP councillor, Jeanette Gouws, who will not serve on the MPAC, would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the councillors that served with her on the Oversight Committee for their input and cooperation throughout the term of the Oversight Committee. She also thanks in particular the municipal manager and the administration for their assistance and guidance in matters relating to the success of the Oversight Committee.

Also read:: https://web.facebook.com/mosselbayontheline/posts/2241541136077141?

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