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MosselbayonTheline | First With The News

Dit was weer twee weggesteekte kennisgewinkies agter in die plaaslike koerant (wat MIN mense raakgesien het) wat die potensiaal bevat om die karakter en seelewe van Mosselbaai onherroepelik te verander . . . 

Dolfyne in Boggomsbaai albie spies

Die eerste was onderstaande kennisgewing van 'n werkwinkel en inligtingsessie oor die nuwe, hersiene riglyne van die Akwakultuur Ontwikkelings- en  Bevorderingsprogram (ADEP) wat op 5 November in die D'Almeida Gemeenskapsaal aangebied is. Die departement van handel en nywerheid (dti) wil glo in samewerking met die departement van landbou, bosbou en vissery (DAFF) investering stimuleer deur lewensvatbare ondernemings in die akwakultuurbedryf finansieel te ondersteun.

Ons wag nog op terugvoering oor hoeveel mense dié kennisgewing raakgesien en die vergadering bygewoon het . . . en wat daaruit voortgevloei het.

Akwa meeting in DAlmeida

Die tweede kennisgewing was dié van die omgewingskonsultant Melissa Mackay van Cape EAPrac oor die openbaredeelnameproses rakende Afro Fishing se omstrede aansoek om 'n multi-miljoenrand vismeel en -olieverwerkingsaanleg by sy bestaande sardyninmaakfabriek op Kaai 1 te bedryf.

Vismeel kennisgewing

Dié aansoek van Afro Fishing is in Februarie vanjaar ook in 'n weggesteekte kennisgewinkie aangekondig en het heftige publieke reaksie en teenkanting ontlok weens die onhoudbare reuk- en ander besoedeling wat dit dekades lank al elders in die land veroorsaak. (Foto onder). Die spertyd om as belanghebbende partye te registreer en skriftelike besware/kommentaar aan te teken, was binne 'n maand sedert die plasing van die kennisgewing op 22 Februarie 2019. 

mun kennisgewings2

 Die grootste publieke besware was oor die reuk-, water- en lugbesoedeling wat kenmerkend van só 'n aanleg is, asook die impak daarvan op die marienevoedselketting, toerisme en die infrastruktuur van die dorp betreffende padverkeer, waternood en afvalbestuur. 'n Aanlyn-petisie met oor die 400 handtekeninge is ook binne die spertyd gestuur.

Mossel Bay Harbour

Sedertdien is geen terugvoering ontvang of 'n woord gerep nie - tot verlede Vrydag se kennisgewing waarvolgens belanghebbendes voor op op Donderdag 12 Desember 2019 skriftelike terugvoer moet gee oor die konsep-verslag. 

'n Inligtingsessie en vergadering sal ook op 20 November vanaf 16:00 in die Mosselbaai-stadsaal gehou word.





Beide kennisgewings laat egter die gevaarligte flikker - nie net oor die ondeursigtigheid van die onderskeie owerhede en besluitnemers se prosesse nie, maar ook oor die potensieel verwoestende impak wat albei industrieë op Mosselbaai se marienelewe, toerisme en infrastruktuur kan hê as gekyk word na wat elders in die land gebeur waar soortgelyke "Operasie Phakisa-projekte" (van oud-pres. Jacob Zuma) ONDANKS hewige publieke protes deurgestoomroller is.

Vismeel is deesdae 'n baie winsgewende wêreldbedryf danksy veral Oosterse lande se onuitputlike vraag na kunsmatige voeding in die akwakultuurbedryf waar gehokte vis oorwegend pille (pellets) gevoer word waarvan vismeel die hoofbestanddeel is. 


Mosselbaai het nie 'n noemenswaardige akwakultuurbedryf nie en sover bekend, het geen plaaslike persoon/maatskappy amptelik aansoek gedoen om 'n akwakultuurbedryf hier te vestig nie . . .  ?

Die twee regeringsinstansies (DAFF en DTI) se volgehoue druk om dit wel in Mosselbaai tot stand te bring, is "toevallig" ook baie gerieflik indien Afro Fishing se aansoek vir 'n vismeelfabriek goedgekeur word, want dan is die "kos" vir so 'n bedryf klaar beskikbaar . . . ? 

Mosselbayontheline het in vorige berigte herhaaldelik gewaarsku teen die verwoestende impak van albei nywerhede in sonnige Suid-Afrika waar gebrekkige kundigheid, politieke staatskaping en korrupsie 'n deurslaggewende rol speel in die lewensvatbaarheid van sulke projekte . . . en dis veral van toepassing op 'n toeristedorp soos Mosselbaai wat toevallig ook die "kleinste werkende hawe" in die land huisves waar die erg omstrede en bankrot PetroSA dalk binnekort sy deure moet toemaak terwyl daar nog talle korrupsie-sake teen sy amptenare ondersoek word. . . . 


Daar is ook telkens deur die burgemeester van die Garden Route Distriksmunisipaliteit, Memory Booysen, genoem dat Mosselbaai dieselfde paadjie as Saldanhabaai en Coega gaan volg . . . ?

Memory Booysen1

Memory Booysen

Miskien is dit tyd om te gaan uitvind watter paadjie vir Mosselbaai voorlê .. . en wat oud-pres. Jacob Zuma se Operasie Phakisa werklik in die praktyk beteken?

aqua seal in cage LI

seals in cages

Die robkolonie in Saldanhabaai het verdriedubbel soos die robbe skielik 'n "Drive Thru" restaurant ontdek het en die "gehokte vis" ontsnap voortdurend uit die onooglike vishokke en verorber boonop die plaaslike visspesies . . . ? 

“The fishermen know where the fish is and where the fish are going, we just follow them. And now we have less space because of the farm, and we also have to consider climate change as well. Soon there won’t be anywhere to fish.”

So far, the fishers have already encountered issues with an increased seal population. Globally, aquaculture has tended to attract curious seals (Scotland had such a problem in 2011 that Scottish fish farmers shot 461 seals to protect their farms). The prospect of a hectare-wide cage of immobile fish is too difficult to ignore. Inge Frost, a local resident and founder of Save Langebaan Lagoon, said: “It’s like putting a KFC in the middle of the sea, they can smell it but they can’t access it. So they eat the stale McDonald’s nearby.” 1

 Akwa Saldanhabaai


Deon Warnick, who operates a fishing company called Vars Vis from his home in Langebaan, says the increase in seals in the area has taken its toll on his nets.

“The seals is destroying the nets. When the fish is in the nets, the seals grab the nets and break them,” Warnick told Daily Maverick. 

The local community, including the fishers, are not convinced they will be offered jobs. All four of the fishers interviewed said they had not seen any jobs advertised in their community. When asked if he would accept a job working on the fish farm, 54-year-old Warnick responded with a resolute “No!” 

“I don’t do that. I fish, I don’t farm fish,” he explained. 

Professor Merle Sowman, head of the Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences at the University of Cape Town, told Daily Maverick that government and business should respect small-scale fishers’ desires to “continue fishing the way they always have”. 3

She said the fishers are unsure of the legitimacy behind the promise of job creation.

“They are sceptical because they’re not convinced that the promises of job possibilities and of skills development will necessarily filter down to them, and there have been other proposals and other developments where in fact promises were made and they haven’t benefited.” 

Akwa Saldanhabaai1



Die jongste, onafhanklike, wetenskaplike  "State of the Bay"-verslag oor die watergehalte en situasie by Saldanhabaai-hawe en omliggende strandgebiede skets 'n donker prentjie  . . .  Die "ontsnapte" vis vreet die inheemse visspesies en selfs die oesters en mossels het oneetbaar geword weens die besoedeling . . . ?

Excerpt from State of the Bay Report 2019 (Saldanha Bay)

Langebaan State of the Bay report

Lees gerus die volledige verslag hier: https://sbwqft.org.za/state-of-the-bay/

Is DIT wat Mosselbaaiers wil hê?

Lees meer hier en raak betrokke . . . VOOR dit te laat is?

aqua farming risks3

Wat is die departement van handel en nywerheid (dti) se rol in die akwakultuurbedryf in SA? 

Trade,Export and Investment Financial Assistance (Incentives)

Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP)


The Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP) is an incentive programme available to South African registered entities engaged in primary, secondary and ancillary aquaculture activities in both marine and freshwater classified under SIC 132 (fish hatcheries and fish farms) and SIC 301 and 3012 (production, processing and preserving of aquaculture fish). The grant is provided directly to approved applications for new, upgrading or expansion projects.

The programme offers a reimbursable cost-sharing grant of up to a maximum of R20 million qualifying costs in machinery and equipment; bulk infrastructure; owned land and/or buildings; leasehold improvements; and competitiveness improvement activities as outlined in section 8 of the ADEP guidelines.


The objective of the incentive is to stimulate investment by commercially viable enterprises in the aquaculture sector. The secondary objectives are to:

  • Create and/or sustain jobs;
  • Broaden participation;
  • Increase production; and
  • Geographical spread.


ADEP’s contribution is up to 50% (capped at R20m) of qualifying costs for new, upgrading or expanding projects, in:

  • Machinery, equipment and tools;
  • Bulk infrastructure (only in water & electrical infrastructure):
  • Owned land (only applicable to small black enterprises);
  • Buildings (ponds, cages, tanks,  etc.);
  • Leasehold improvements, capitalised in the balance sheet, where lease agreement is at least 10 years;
  • Rental costs, (only for small black enterprises), capped at R20 000 per month and claimable at stage two only.
  • Aquaculture feed, up to a maximum of 10% of total costs, (capped at 20% for small black enterprises)
  • Commercial vehicles or work boats (owned or capitalised financial lease), not to exceed 50% of total qualifying costs;
  • Competitiveness improvement activities (e.g. skills development) up to R500 000;
  • Environmental impact assessments (EIA) and permits authorisation and costs (only for small Black enterprises).
  • Mentorship (only or small enterprises), up to R200 per hour, 8 hours per day capped at R200 000 per approved project or application.

Eligible Enterprises

1. Primary Aquaculture Operations:
  • Hatchery facilities and operations (e.g.  broodstock, seed, spat, fry, fingerling, etc.);
  • Nursery facilities and operations;
  • Grow-out facilities and operations [e.g. rafts, net closures, net pens, cages, tanks raceways and ponds; i Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS), Ranching, etc.]

2. Secondary Aquaculture Operations (of local produce):
  • Primary processing: (post-harvest handling, gutting, packing, quick freezing);
  • Secondary processing: (filleting, portioning, packaging, setting up trader, and distribution networks);
  • Tertiary processing or value adding: (curing, brining, smoking, further value adding such as terrines, roulades, pates, paters);
  • Waste stream handling: (extraction of fish oils, protein beneficiation, organic fertilizers, pet feeds, animal feeds).

3. Ancillary Aquaculture Operations
  • Aquaculture feed manufacturing operations.

ADEP’s definition of the small black enterprises:

  • 100% black-owned;
  • exercises operational and management control over the business;
  • makes a long-term commitment to the business and is a medium- to long-term investor; and
  • investment of below R5m.



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+1 #1 Alida Nadel 2019-11-14 06:29
Geen vis aanleg asseblief